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How To Add a Page for recurring Monthly Meetings

Aditya P. Gurajada edited this page Nov 27, 2024 · 4 revisions
  1. Open the CFCC-Wiki page

  2. In the side-bar box, find a pencil icon to the right of the CFCC-Wiki hyperlink.

    • Hover on the pencil icon to see the prompt "Edit Sidebar".
    • Click that pencil icon which will bring you into an editor with index href-links for each (past) month's meeting minutes.
  3. Copy the entry for the most recent month and insert it ahead of that month. Rename the entry as per the naming convention for the previous entry.

  • Say, you copy the entry for 2024‐10‐23-CFCC-Minutes and add an entry for the next month, i.e., 2024‐11‐27-CFCC-Minutes. Leave the (https:...) empty for now.
  • You will fill-in the empty () later when the page for the next month's minutes is added.
  1. In another browser window, open the minutes for the most recent month, say 2024‐10‐23‐CFCC‐Minutes. Find the New Page (green) button on the top-right.
  • Right-click the New Page button to open a new empty page in a new browser.
  • Add the title for the next month's minutes. Say, 2024‐11‐27‐CFCC‐Minutes
  1. Back to the minutes page for 2024‐10‐23‐CFCC‐Minutes. Press the "Edit" button to enter the editor
  • Copy the entire contents of the previous month's minutes
  1. Go back to the editor you opened in (4) for the next month's minutes.
  • Paste the contents, to pull-forward the minutes of the previous month
  • Update this field to reflect the new date: **Date**: Wed, Nov 27, 2024
  • Edit the minutes, to setup the agenda and other details for the upcoming meeting.
  • Save this newly created page.
  • You should now see this newly-created minutes page. Copy its URL.
  1. Go back to the tab where the editor for the past-month's minutes was opened in (5).
  • Close that editor, without making any change.
  1. Go back to the tab where you opened the list of meeting minutes page in step (3) above.
  • Paste the URL you saved at the end of step (6) to the new entry you created within the ()
  • Save this list of meeting minutes page

You should now see the link for the upcoming meeting's minutes; i.e. 2024‐11‐27‐CFCC‐Minutes. If you click that link, it should take you to the newly created Meeting Minutes page for your next meeting.

You should be done.