Releases: ccrock4t/NARS-Pong
NARS-Pong (Windows only)
This release adds NARS-Python system and options, for a total of 3 NARS systems to choose from!
3D NARS/ONA/NARS-Python Pong with 3 gamemodes:
Solo: Watch NARS learn Pong!
Player Versus: Player vs NARS
Experience is not saved, each playthrough the NARS will be a fresh instance and will learn as the game progresses.
REQUIRES Cygwin install and add "C:\cygwin64\bin" (your Cygwin installation bin path) to your Windows System Path variable.
REQUIRES Java install and add your javapath to your Windows System Path variable.
NARS-Pong (Windows only)
3D NARS/ONA Pong with 3 gamemodes:
Solo: Watch NARS learn Pong!
Player Versus: Player vs NARS
Experience is not saved, each playthrough the NARS will be a fresh instance and will learn as the game progresses.
REQUIRES Cygwin install and add "C:\cygwin64\bin" (your Cygwin installation bin path) to your Windows System Path variable.
REQUIRES Java install and add your javapath to your Windows System Path variable.
NARS-Pong (Windows only)
3D NARS/ONA Pong with 2 gamemodes:
- Solo: Watch NARS learn Pong
- Versus: Play against NARS
Experience is not saved, each playthrough the NARS will be a fresh instance and will learn as the game progresses.
REQUIRES Cygwin install and add "C:\cygwin64\bin" (your Cygwin installation bin path) to your Windows System Path variable.