Materials from my semester-long courses
2021-02-02 | S&DS 176/576 YData: Humanities Data Mining, 1-credit undergraduate and graduate student course co-taught with Doug Duhaime for Yale's Department of Statistics and Data Science
Materials from my workshops and presentations
2021-06-17 | Introduction to Python, taught for Yale DHLab
2021-02-18 | Data Visualization with Tableau Public, taught for Yale DHLab
2020-10-29 | Getting Started with Networks, taught for Yale DHLab
2020-06-02 | Guide to Getting Started with Tropy, taught for Yale DHLab
2020-02-27 | Neural Style Transfer with RunwayML, taught for Yale DHLab
2019-06-03 | From Getting Started with Data, Tools, and Platforms for HILT institute
2019-04-26 | Neural Style Transfer: Kandinsky to Kandisnky
2018-03-26 | Creating a Website with GitHub Pages
2018-02-24 | User-Centered Design for 3rd Digital Humanities Utah keynote
2017-10-17 | Introduction to Story Maps
Syllabi from my DH classes
2021-02-02 | S&DS 176/576 YData: Humanities Data Mining, 1-credit undergraduate and graduate student course co-taught with Doug Duhaime for Yale's Department of Statistics and Data Science
2019-03 | From Text Mining to Mapping: Digital Humanities Methods, 1-credit undergraduate class at Yale-NUS, syllabus
2018-08 | Texts, Maps, and Networks: Introduction to Digital Humanities, California Rare Book School class, syllabus
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Copyright (c) 2018 Catherine DeRose
This license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon your work, even commercially, as long as they credit you for the original creation. This is the most accommodating of licenses offered.
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