Version 1.3.0 -- October 10, 2020
- A new simulation specification
been added to all ParaMonte samplers. If TRUE and the
ParaMonte sampler detects an existing set of old simulation
output files in the output path of the current simulation with
the same names as the output file names of the current simulation,
then, the ParaMonte sampler will overwrite the existing simulation files.
Compiler support
- Intel Parallel Studio (>2018.0.0)
- GNU Compiler Collection (>7.0.0)
Compiler / MPI library used for this binary release
- Windows: Intel Parallel Studio Version Build 20190417 / Intel(R) MPI Library 2019 Update 4 for Windows
- Linux: Intel Parallel Studio Version 18.0.2 20180210 / Intel(R) MPI Library for Linux OS, Version 2018 Update 2 Build 20180125
- Linux: GNU 9.1 / MPICH 3.2
- macOS: Intel Parallel Studio Version 20200306
- macOS: GNU 10.2.0 / Open-MPI 4.0.5