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Version 0.9.4

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@idoru idoru released this 11 Dec 18:43
· 533 commits to master since this release

Runtime changes

  • iOS Specs run headless by default (as if CEDAR_HEADLESS_SPECS is set); Set CEDAR_GUI_SPECS if you want the old UI
  • Updated spec bundle output format to match XCTest for Xcode 5


  • Workaround for ARC compiler bugs for BeNil/BeSameInstanceAs - now your specs can be compiled with ARC!
  • C-strings can now be compared (#105)
  • Clearer output from RaiseException matcher
  • Add RespondTo matcher to assert that an object respondsToSelector: (#132)
  • Add ConformTo matcher to assert that an object conformsToProtocol: (#134)

Doubles (Spies & Fakes)

  • You can now stub methods with specific c-string arguments (#105)
  • stub_method now raises more meaningful error if you try to stub an unresolvable method
  • You can now stub a method multiple times with different primitive arguments (#101)

Fake specific changes

  • Nice Fakes no longer throw exceptions when sent KVO messages (#110)
  • Strict fakes throw meaningful exceptions when sent unstubbed KVO messages (#122)
  • Class fakes answer -class/isKindOfClass:/conformsToProtocol: based on the faked class
  • Protocol fakes answer -conformsToProtocol: based on the faked protocol

Spy specific changes

  • Eagerly retain decorded message arguments to avoid issues with methods eagerly releasing them (#137, #139)
  • You can now stop_spying_on(spy) (#141)
  • Spies should now support KVO correctly (#125, #140)
  • Spies now support classes that forward messages (#98)
  • Spies raise more meaningful errors when they are sent a message they don't recognize
  • Spies answer -isKindOfClass: based on the spied upon object's class
  • Spies answer -class with the spied upon object's class

Project Templates

  • Generated Rakefile should now work correctly under Xcode 5
  • Generated Rakefile for spec bundles should now work
  • Generated Rakefile should work when project name contains spaces or other weird characters (#131)

General fixes

  • Project upgraded Xcode 5 / iOS 7 SDK
  • Fix crash when printing the name of a shared example group (#99)
  • Expose public headers necessary to support users with custom spec reporters (#102)
  • Cedar now flushes gcov data when test run ends (#126, #127, #128, #133)