Version 0.9.5
Notice: Apr 4, 2014
We've been made aware of an issue with the installer and test suite which may incorrectly report a successful installation, when in fact it fails. We're working on releasing a patch version. Until then, installing the development version of Cedar is recommended. See here for details.
General fixes
- Fixed some memory leaks
- Project organization tidied up
- Resolved several warnings, particularly for CocoaPods users
- Fixed symbolication of exception backtraces on iOS 7 simulator (#159)
- Added new example reporting methods which provide greater flexibility for developing reporters than the traditional KVO approach (See CDRReportDispatcher for details)
- Added a be_falsy matcher to complement be_truthy (#158)
- Added exist matcher for testing that files/directories exist (#152). It accepts NSString or NSURL objects
Doubles (Spies & Fakes)
- Nice protocol fakes can now be told to reject optional methods (#167), like so:
protocol_fake reject_method(@selector(someProtocolMethod))
- Protocol fakes for multiple protocols can now be created (#157), e.g:
fake_for(@protocol(UITableViewDataSource), @protocol(UITableViewDelegate))
- Spies should now play nicely with KVO collection methods
- Improved test coverage for KVO scenarios
Xcode integration
- Test bundle output now reports test start and end time
- Adds support for recognizing Cedar specs as tests and running focused tests from within Xcode. This still requires a plugin we're currently testing internally; keep watching this space!
Project/Target Templates
- Updated project and target template icons, thanks to Patrick Alfred (#160)
- Added script to conveniently upgrade Cedar framework added by templates (#163):
rake upgrade path/to/your/project/spec_target/Frameworks/Cedar-iOS.framework - Installing Cedar templates now verifies static framework is built correctly.