This is not the official or original repository for "react-date-picker" created by ZippyUI. This repo was created because we started leveraging its great features, and the component continued to be available from NPM; however, the GitHub repo and the ZippyUI team suddenly disappeared. Mostly we wanted to be able to address security vulnerabilities that had not been taken into account in the last version provided by ZippyUI. Primarily, there was a known vulnerability in the version of Moment.js, and the primary motivation for forking this project was to update that version and include it in our projects for security scans and reviews.
A carefully crafted date picker built especially for React, with love.
Click for LIVE DEMO!
$ npm install react-date-picker2
- input field integration
- fabulous keyboard navigation
- single & multi views
- easy to use but insanely configurable!
- multiple React components that can be used standalone but compose well together
- easily themable
- transition on navigation
- localization support & custom date formats
- & a lot more ...
Import the css first
import 'react-date-picker2/index.css'
Then go ahead & use the components
import { DateField, Calendar } from 'react-date-picker2'
const onChange = (dateString, { dateMoment, timestamp }) => {
let date = '2017-04-24'
The react-date-picker2
module exposes a number of components as named exports. The most important ones are:
- a date fieldCalendar
- a calendar view - with support for date & time formats
The full list, besides those above:
- a calendar view without support for time.MultiMonthView
- aMonthView
with support for multiple months. ComposesMonthView
- a view for selecting a year & a month from a decade. ComposesDecadeView
- a view for transitioning child views navigationYearView
- a view for month selectionDecadeView
- a view for year selectionClockInput
- a Clock with an input field to pick timeClock
- a component displaying timeDateFormatInput
- an input with support for editing dates & times.DateFormatSpinnerInput
- aDateFormatInput
that also has spinner controls.Footer
See changelog
For the old v4
README, see v4
When contributing, please work on the src
You'll need to run the following commands:
$ npm i # install all depedencies
$ npm run dev
# starts webpack-dev-server, which does all the bundling and live reloading
Now navigate to localhost:8080 With this setup, you have an environment which live-reloads all your changes, so you have a rapid development cycle.
uses the awesome moment.js
library (Big thanks!)