My recommendations for the ultimate macOS Configuration :)
NOTE: This project can be found on both Codeberg, which will act as the main & preferred way to contribute, and GitHub.
Personal Information -> Communication Preferences -> Announcements -> ❌
Personal Information -> Communication Preferences -> Apps, music, TV and more -> ❌
Sign-In & Security -> Two-Factor Authentication -> ✅ (Use security keys if possible)
Media & Purchases -> Free Downloads -> Never require
Media & Purchases -> Purchases and In-App Purchases -> Always require
Wi-Fi -> ❌ when not using
Ask to join hotspots -> ❌
Bluetooth -> ❌ when not using
Firewall -> ✅
Firewall -> Options -> Block all incoming connections -> ✅
Firewall -> Options -> Enable stealth mode -> ✅
Show previews -> When Unlocked
Allow notifications when the display is sleeping -> ❌
Allow notifications when the screen is locked -> ❌
Allow notifications when mirroring or sharing the display -> ❌
Application Notifications -> Go through and disable notifications for any apps that don't need it
Share across devices -> ❌
Focus status -> Share Focus status -> ❌
Content & Privacy -> ✅
Content & Privacy:
Store, Web, Siri & Game Center Content:
Allow Web Search Content in Siri -> ❌
Allow Music & TV Shared Libraries -> ❌
Allow Adding Friends -> ❌
Allow Connect with Friends -> ❌
Allow Private Messaging -> ❌
Allow Multiplayer Games With ->
No one
(if you don't play any games online through Game Center) -
Allow Nearby Multiplayer -> ❌
App & Feature Restrictions:
Allow Book Store -> ❌
Allow Siri & Dictation -> ❌
Allow SharePlay -> ❌
The following appear to only impact iOS, but I would still recommend setting them for defense in depth, just don't disable anything you actually use or need...
Allow Mail -> ❌
Allow Safari -> ❌
Allow FaceTime -> ❌
Allow Wallet -> ❌
Allow CarPlay -> ❌
Allow iTunes Store -> ❌
Allow Podcasts -> ❌
Allow AirDrop -> ❌
Allow Health -> ❌
Allow Activity -> ❌
Allow App Clips -> ❌
About -> Name -> Keep this generic, I recommend setting it to Device
Software Update -> Automatic Updates:
Check for updates -> ✅
Download new updates when available -> ✅
Install macOS updates -> ✅
Install application updates from the App Store -> ✅
Install Security Responses and system files -> ✅
AirDrop & Handoff:
Allow Handoff between this Mac and your iCloud devices -> ❌
AirDrop ->
No One
AirPlay Receiver -> ❌
Allow AirPlay for ->
Current User
Login Items -> Go through and remove/disable anything from here you don't need
Language & Region -> Translation Languages... -> On-Device Mode -> ✅
Date & Time -> Set date and time automatically -> ✅ (Very important for security)
Date & Time -> Source -> Set... -> I would recommend setting this to the time server ran by GrapheneOS:
Date & Time -> 24-hour time -> ❌
Date & Time -> Show 24-hour time on Lock Screen -> ❌
File Sharing -> ❌
Media Sharing -> ❌
Screen Sharing -> ❌
Content Caching -> ❌
Bluetooth Sharing -> ❌
Printer Sharing -> ❌
Internet Sharing -> ❌
Remote Management -> ❌
Remote Login -> ❌
Remote Application Scripting -> ❌
Appearance -> Dark
The 3 options below are optional but recommended for lower-end or older devices to improve performance and battery:
Display -> Reduce motion -> ✅
Display -> Reduce transparency -> ✅
Display -> Auto-play animated images -> ❌
Voice Control -> ❌ (if you don't use/need it)
Keyboard -> Sticky Keys -> ❌ (Important for gaming)
Keyboard -> Slow Keys -> ❌ (Important for gaming)
Pointer Control -> Ignore built-in trackpad when mouse or wireless trackpad is present -> ✅
Pointer Control -> Trackpad Options... -> Scroll speed -> Make sure it's set so that it's 4 spaces away from the turtle on the left & 3 spaces away from the rabbit on the right (Should be default, important for gaming)
Pointer Control -> Mouse Options... -> Scroll speed -> Make sure it's set so that it's 4 spaces away from the turtle on the left & 3 spaces away from the rabbit on the right (Should be default, important for gaming)
Personal Voice -> Share across devices -> ❌
Personal Voice -> Allow applications to use your Personal Voice -> ❌
Siri -> Type to Siri -> ✅
Wi-Fi -> Show in Menu Bar
Bluetooth -> Show in Menu Bar
AirDrop -> Don't Show in Menu Bar
Focus -> Show when active
Screen Mirroring -> Show when active
Accessibility shortcuts -> Show in Menu Bar -> ❌ (Unless you need/use this)
Accessibility shortcuts -> Show in Control Center -> ❌ (Unless you need/use this)
Battery -> Show in Menu Bar -> ✅
Battery -> Show in Control Center -> ✅
Battery -> Show Percentage -> ✅
Fast User Switching -> Show in Menu Bar -> Your choice, this is a great setting to take advantage of if you use multiple users, otherwise don't bother
Fast User Switching -> Show in Control Center -> ✅ (only if you use multiple users)
Menu Bar Only -> Clock Options... -> Date -> Show date -> When space allows
Menu Bar Only -> Clock Options... -> Date -> Show the day of the week -> ✅
Menu Bar Only -> Clock Options... -> Time -> Style -> Digital
Menu Bar Only -> Clock Options... -> Time -> Show AM/PM -> ✅
Menu Bar Only -> Clock Options... -> Time -> Display the time with seconds -> ✅
Menu Bar Only -> Clock Options... -> Time -> Announce the time -> ❌ (Should be default, lol)
Siri -> Don't Show in Menu Bar
Ask Siri -> ❌
Contacts -> ❌
Siri Suggestions -> ❌
Tips -> ❌
Websites -> ❌
Location Services -> ❌ (if you don't use/need it)
Disable location access for any apps that don't need it here
System Services -> Details...:
Suggestions & Search -> ❌
System customization -> ❌
Significant locations -> ❌
Find My Mac -> ❌
HomeKit -> ❌
Mac Analytics -> ❌
Show location icon in Control Center when System Services request your location -> ✅
Go through all permissions under privacy and remove permissions for any apps that don't need them
Sensitive Content Warning -> ❌
Analytics & Improvements -> Share Mac Analytics -> ❌
Analytics & Improvements -> Improve Siri & Dictation -> ❌
Analytics & Improvements -> Share with app developers -> ❌
Apple Advertising -> Personalized Ads -> ❌
Allow applications downloaded from -> App Store and identified developers
Allow accesories to connect -> Ask Every Time
FileVault -> On
✅ (Don't save the recovery key to your iCloud account...)
Lockdown Mode -> On
Extensions -> Added extensions -> Remove any extensions you don't need/use
Extensions -> Sharing:
Contact Suggestions -> ❌
AirDrop -> ❌
Mail -> ❌ (if you don't use/need it)
Messages -> ❌ (if you don't use/need it)
Save to Books -> ❌
Freeform -> ❌
Instruments -> ❌
Profiles -> Remove any profiles you don't need/use
Advanced... -> Require an administrator password to access system-wide settings -> ✅
Advanced... -> Log out automatically after inactivity -> ✅
Advanced... -> Log out after... -> Your choice, the lower the better, I leave mine at 60 minutes
due to other options we set (Should investigate this further)
Show suggested and recent apps in Dock -> ❌
Show Widgets -> On Desktop -> ❌
Show Widgets -> In Stage Manager -> ❌
Use iPhone widgets -> ❌
Default web browser -> Set to your browser of choice, I generally recommend Firefox with my Phoenix.
Prefer tabs when opening documents -> Always
Ask to keep changes when closing documents -> ✅
Close windows when quitting an application -> ✅
Automatically rearrange Spaces based on most recent use -> ❌
Automatically adjust brightness -> ❌ (Annoying and better for battery)
True Tone -> ✅
Preset -> Choose Apple XDR Display
if you have the option, otherwise Apple Display
(Should be default)
Refresh rate -> ProMotion
if you have the option
Allow your pointer and keyboard to move between any nearby Mac or iPad -> ❌
Push through the edge of a display to connect a nearby Mac or iPad -> ❌
Automatically reconnect to any nearby Mac or iPad -> ❌
Night Shift:
Schedule -> Custom: -> I usually set to From 9:00PM to 6:00AM
Color Temperature -> Set to the middle (Should be default)
Battery Health -> Optimized Battery Charging -> ✅ (Should be default)
Energy Mode -> On battery -> Automatic
(Should be default) - You can also set this to Low Power
if you need to conserve battery life
Energy Mode -> On power adapter -> Automatic
(Should be default) - It might also be desirable to set this to High Power
depending on your use case
Slightly dim the display on battery -> ✅
Prevent automatic sleeping on power adapter when the display is off -> ❌
Wake for network access ->
Only on Power Adapter
Optimize video streaming while on battery -> ❌ (Should be default) - You can enable if you need to conserve battery life
Start Screen Saver when inactive -> Your choice, the lower the better, I usually set to For 2 minutes
Turn display off on battery when inactive -> Your choice, the lower the better, I usually set to For 2 minutes
Turn display off on power adapter when inactive -> Your choice, the lower the better, I usually set to For 5 minutes
Require password after screen saver begins or display is turned off -> Your choice, the lower the better, I usually set to After 5 seconds
When switching users -> Show the Sleep, Restart, and Shut Down buttons -> ✅
Accessibility Options...:
VoiceOver -> ❌ (if you don't use/need it)
Sticky Keys -> ❌ (Important for gaming)
Slow Keys -> ❌ (Important for gaming)
Make sure you set a strong password, I would recommend avoiding Touch ID and using it as little as possible:
Use Touch ID to unlock your Mac -> ❌
Use Touch ID for Apple Pay -> ❌
Use Touch ID for purchases in iTunes Store, App Store, and Apple Books -> ❌
Use Touch ID for autofilling passwords -> ❌
Use Touch ID for fast user switching -> ❌
Delete any groups you don't need/use
Automatically log in as -> Off
Security Recommendations -> Detect leaked passwords -> ✅ (This is done locally on device through a list of passwords, Apple doesn't get sent your passwords)
Password Options -> Autofill Passwords and Passkeys -> ❌
Password Options -> Verification Codes -> Delete After Use -> ✅
Remove any accounts in here you don't need/use
Shipping Address -> No Shipping Address
Email -> No Email
Phone -> No Phone
Compatible cards -> ❌
Add Orders to Wallet -> ❌
Key repeat rate -> Fast
(Drag all the way to the right, important for gaming)
Delay until repeat -> Short
(Drag all the way to the right, important for gaming)
Press Globe key to -> Show Emoji & Symbols
Dictation -> ❌
Tracking speed -> Make sure it's set so that it's 4 spaces away from the left & 5 spaces away from the right (important for gaming)