Web search engine implemented with Python
#STAGE 1 import urllib2 import random
def download_page(pagename): '''This downloads the pagename that was inserted in the crawl web function''' fullurl = 'http://cs.colgate.edu/cosc101/testweb/' + pagename fileobject = urllib2.urlopen(fullurl) return fileobject.read()
def extract_links(page_contents): '''this extracts the pagenames from the downloaded file object''' linklist = [] index = 0 while index >= 0: index = page_contents.find('<a href', index) if index >= 0: endquote = page_contents.find('"', index + 9) pagename = page_contents[(index + 9):endquote] linklist.append(pagename) index = endquote return linklist
def remove_tags(fulltext): '''This removes all the <> and everything in it (except it saves the pagenames within it'''
no_tags = ''
in_bracket = False
for char in fulltext:
if char == '<':
in_bracket = True
if char == '>':
in_bracket = False
if not in_bracket:
no_tags += char
return no_tags
def normalize_word(string): '''This converts all capital letters to lowercase and gets rid of spaces''' new_string = '' for char in string: if char.isalpha(): new_string += char.lower() return new_string
def index_page(pagename, fulltext, myindex): '''Creates a dictionary that has words as keys and each page that they occur in as links''' for char in remove_tags(fulltext).split(): key = normalize_word(char) if key not in myindex: myindex[key] = [pagename] else: if pagename not in myindex[key]: myindex[key].append(pagename)
def crawl_web(page_name, reverse_index, webgraph): '''This starts from a.html and "crawls" through all of the links in the web''' page_content = download_page(page_name) links = extract_links(page_content) index_page(page_name, page_content, reverse_index) webgraph[page_name] = links for outlink in links: #print "visiting", outlink,"from", page_name if outlink not in webgraph: crawl_web(outlink, reverse_index, webgraph)
def random_surfer_simulation(web_graph,p,num_simulate): '''Creates dictionary that keeps track of each time a web page is hit and divides that amount by the value of num_simulate to get a float''' pages = web_graph.keys() #gets all the keys in the wer graph dictionary page_rank = {} for page in pages: if page not in page_rank: page_rank[page] = 0 #must be set to 0 so that the numbers that I #accumulate later will be correct
#This goes through the dictionary num_simulate times
#and keeps track of each time it switches or stays with
#the same key
curr_page = random.choice(pages)
for num in range(num_simulate):
if random.random() > p:
curr_page = random.choice(web_graph[curr_page])
page_rank[curr_page] += 1
curr_page = random.choice(pages)
page_rank[curr_page] += 1
#This divides the value obtained by the previous loop by the value that
#num_simulate holds
for values in pages:
page_rank[values] = page_rank[values]/float(num_simulate)
return page_rank
def list_union(list1, list2): '''This return a new list that contains all items found in either list, but it gets rid of duplicates''' new_list = [] for items in list1+list2: if items not in new_list: new_list.append(items) return new_list
def list_intersection(list1, list2): '''Returns a new list that contains only those items that are found in both of the lists''' common = [] for item in list2: if item in list1: common += [item] return common
def list_difference(list1, list2): '''This returns a new list that contains only those items that are found in the first but not in the second list''' new_list = [] for item in list1: if item not in list2: new_list.append(item) return new_list
def get_query_hits(search, myindex): '''This returns a list of all the page names that match the search term''' if search not in myindex: return [] else: return myindex[search]
def process_query(query, reverse_index): """ Processes the type of query entered by the user based on the terms entered and returns a list of all the page names where that query is found. """
if len(query) == 0:
result = []
return result
query_word_list = query.split()
inc = []
exc = []
intersect = False
if query_word_list[0] == 'AND':
intersect = True
query_word_list = query_word_list[1:]
for word in query_word_list:
if word[0] == '-':
target = exc
target = inc
word = normalize_word(word)
if len(word) > 0:
if not intersect:
pages = []
for word in inc:
hits = get_query_hits(word, reverse_index)
pages = list_union(pages, hits)
pages = get_query_hits(inc[0], reverse_index)
for word in inc:
hits = get_query_hits(word, reverse_index)
pages = list_intersection(pages, hits)
for word in exc:
hits = get_query_hits(word, reverse_index)
pages = list_difference(pages, hits)
return pages
def print_ranked_results(results, page_rank): '''This prints out the query results in rank order, from highest to lowest''' ranks = [] for page in results: rank = page_rank[page] ranks.append((rank,page)) ranks.sort()
count = 1
for j in ranks:
print str(count) + ":",j[1],"(rank:",str(j[0]) + ')'
count += 1
def search_engine(revindex, page_rank): '''This asks the user for a search term, processes it, and prints out the ranked results''' search = raw_input("Search terms? (enter 'DONE' to quit) ") while search != 'DONE': results = process_query(search, revindex) if results == []: print "No matches for search terms." print_ranked_results(results, page_rank) search = raw_input("Search terms? (enter 'DONE' to quit) ")
def main(): '''This brings everything together and crawl_web must be called first, then random surfer, then the search engine''' print 'Welcome to my mini search engine!' p = 0.15 num_simulate = 100000 revindex = {} webgraph = {} crawl_web('a.html', revindex, webgraph) page_rank = random_surfer_simulation(webgraph, p, num_simulate) search_engine(revindex, page_rank) main()