Make sure the following network ports are not in use since the following services will be running from the container
- 8080: phpmyadmin
- 8081: server app
- 3000: client app
To build the images and run
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up
- To rebuild and run (in case the compose file was edited) use --force-recreate flag
docker-compose -f docker-compose.dev.yml up --force-recreate
- Use Ctrl+C to stop all services
AIESEC's current management system, based on Google apps, faces issues with:
- Data Insecurity
- Inefficiencies
- Poor User Experience
We're developing a new system focused on:
- Robust Security 🔐: Through tiered user access.
- Automation 🤖: Streamlining repetitive tasks.
- Enhanced UX✨: A unified, user-friendly platform.
- Member management
- 75% of iGV processes including:
- Project management
- Slot management
- Application management
iGV (Remaining 25%):
- Email automation system
- Work reminder notifications
- Post-arrival project participant management
- Partner organizations management system
- Internship opportunities system
- Application management
- Partner organization system
- New partnership system
oGT + oGV:
- Applicants selection system
- Marketing campaign system
- Opportunities management system
- Auto-suggestions for applicants
- Campaign management
- Content management (photos, videos, posts, blogs)
Business Development:
- Market research & cold calls system
- Revenue dashboard
- Member target system
People Management:
Note: Managed by the People Management team but accessible to all members.
- Task management system (with reminders & member performance metrics)
- Interview management tool
- Opportunities hub (local, national, and international)
- Event and special announcement notifications
- Confidential member feedback (accessible only to President & VPs)
- Achievement badges for member profiles
- Training resources hub
- Finance report publishing portal
- Finance data collection (for future budgets and more)
🤺Run Locally ? check installation guide
If you have any feedback, please reach out to us at [email protected]