A very slow but cheap and free timeout guarantee search text engine. Powered by Lucene query
Someday you'll need a slow but cheap and timeout free text search engine. Elasticsearch is a best tool of the market to go fast. But it has a cost. Big-Match is slow but cheap.
import com.github.bigmatch.indexer.input.BigMatchTimeSeriesInputJob
case class Tweet(text: String, timestamp: Long, date: String) extends Indexable
class TweetScheduler extends BigMatchTimeSeriesInputJob[Tweet] {
def input(start: DateTime, end: DateTime) : Dataset[Tweet] =
spark.read.parquet(s"/user/big-match/${start}.csv", s"/user/big-match/${end}.csv")
def output: Path = new Path("/user/big-match/output")
the core of big match relies on:
- Apache Spark
- Apache Solr