HMDA Platform v2.3.1
What's Changed
- updates to k8s table references for snapshot by @PatrickGoRaft in #4468
- Quarterly data api by @lchen-2101 in #4462
- updates for data browser api s3 cache settings by @PatrickGoRaft in #4474
- remove unnecessary configs by @lchen-2101 in #4471
- updating schedules to include quarterly 2022 by @PatrickGoRaft in #4477
- Update 2022 Census File to Include Small County Flag by @kgudel in #4473
- median interest rates by @lchen-2101 in #4476
- separate logic for quarter checking on action taken date from filing period dates by @lchen-2101 in #4484
- fix bug in irs publisher msa md look up by @PatrickGoRaft in #4488
- documentation for quarterly data service by @lchen-2101 in #4486
- Quarterly data refactor deploy by @lchen-2101 in #4479
- updates to 2022 censuus to resolve leading zeroes bug by @PatrickGoRaft in #4493
- updates to 2022 censuus to resolve leading zeroes bug by @PatrickGoRaft in #4494
- added institution lar count endpoint; refactored future completion by @lchen-2101 in #4490
- date range updates - past 3 years + available current year quarters by @lchen-2101 in #4495
- added consolidated endpoint for quarterly filers with past lar counts by @lchen-2101 in #4498
- Add Agency Data Specs by @kgudel in #4458
- Update to remove wrapped quotation marks from post processing by @PatrickGoRaft in #4489
- added agency to quarterly data, and combined with addition of yearly … by @lchen-2101 in #4500
- add all filers quarterly filers totals comparison by @lchen-2101 in #4503
- [Docs] Fix broken images in by @meissadia in #4505