An Android app that reminds you when you have a gift card to a store you've just walked into.
- Download the APK to your device and run it to install the app
- Open the app
- Click the (+) icon in the top right to add a new card
- Enter the name of a company for which you have a gift card (example: "target", "starbucks", "walmart")
- Enter the balance remaining on your card
- Click "Add"
In the background, the app queries the Google Places API to find the 20 nearest locations matching the company you entered (within a 30 mile radius). The coordinates of these locations are saved locally in a SQLite database
- Download a GPS spoofing application (in lieu of actutally walking into a store) and change your location to be within 200 meters of a store for which you have a gift card
- You should receive a notification reminding you to use your gift card!