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This repository contains an alias generator and an API for URL shortening. Alias generator is a worker service that generates aliases on demand. The API provides a way to shorten URLs with either a user provided or generated alias. It also provides redirects to the original URL by alias.

Project structure is organized by Clean Architecture Solution Template.


Running locally

The setup for running the solution locally is intended to be flexible and aimed for a real-world application. To run the API and/or the alias generator, you need to have your infrastructure running. Listed below are the steps on how to do it:

To run the generator and the API:

Finally, to clean up:

Docker CLI

Run the following commands from the root of the repository:

Create a docker bridge network

Creates a docker bridge network for our application.

docker network create url-shortener-network

Start Cassandra cluster

Please note that it takes a while for Cassandra nodes to initialize.

docker run --rm -d -p 9042:9042 --name cassandra-node1 --network url-shortener-network cassandra:4.0.6
docker run --rm -d --name cassandra-node2 --network url-shortener-network -e CASSANDRA_SEEDS=cassandra-node1 cassandra:4.0.6

Run database migrations

Please note that migrations will fail if Cassandra nodes are not initialized.

docker build --tag cassandra-migrate migrations
docker run --rm -it -v %cd%/migrations:/migrations --network url-shortener-network cassandra-migrate cassandra-migrate -H host.docker.internal -c migrations/config.yml migrate

Start Kafka ZooKeeper and Broker

docker run --rm -d --name zookeeper --network url-shortener-network -e "ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT_PORT=2181" -e "ZOOKEEPER_TICK_TIME=2000" confluentinc/cp-zookeeper:7.0.0

Create Kafka topic

Creates alias_candidates topic. Alias generator will publish messages to it and API will consume them.

docker exec broker kafka-topics --create --topic alias_candidates --bootstrap-server host.docker.internal:9092 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1

Run alias generator

docker build -f Generator/Generator.Worker/Dockerfile -t url-shortener-generator .
docker run --rm -d --network url-shortener-network -e "DOTNET_ENVIRONMENT=Development" --name url-shortener-generator url-shortener-generator


docker build -f Api/UrlShortener.Api/Dockerfile -t url-shortener-api .
docker run --rm -d --network url-shortener-network -e "ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT=Development" -e "ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://+:80" -p 9889:80/tcp --name url-shortener-api url-shortener-api

If all is well, you should be able to access the API at http://localhost:9889/swagger/index.html

Cleaning up

docker kill cassandra-node1
docker kill cassandra-node2
docker kill zookeeper
docker kill broker
docker kill url-shortener-api
docker kill url-shortener-generator

Docker Compose (outdated)


  • Resilience policies
  • Authentication
  • Optimize alias generation in batches, etc
  • Cache
  • CORS check
  • API versioning, validation
  • More application services in controllers (?)
  • Alias expiration - cleanup expired links
  • Users
  • Port exposure for other Cassandra nodes on the same machine
  • Access modifiers