Project scaffolded with: Scaffold ETH by Austin Griffith
Test URL (Kovan):
- Node 12
yarn install
yarn test
The project comes with a set of "mock" contracts that are configured during local deployment. These mock contracts correspond to:
- TUSD Reserve Feed
- TUSD Supply Feed
- TUSD ERC20 Token
The project also comes with a Mock Protocol that defines it's own Mock Reserve Token (think of it as an equivalent to aTokens, cTokens and yTokens). Before deploying make sure that the defaultNetwork
variable in the hardhat.config.js
of the hardhat package is set to localhost
and the targetNetwork
variable in the App.jsx
file of the react-app package is set to NETWORKS['localhost']
Follow the next steps to run the project locally:
Run the local Hardhat Network:
yarn chain
Deploy contracts to local Hardhat Network:
yarn deploy
Run the frontend:
yarn start
The deployment script for Kovan sets the addresses in that network of the following contracts:
- TUSD Reserve Feed
- TUSD Supply Feed
- TUSD ERC20 Token
- AAVE Lending Protocol
- AAVE Data Provider
The mock feeds are also deployed to simulate PoR/PoS mismatch.
Before deploying make sure that the defaultNetwork
variable in the hardhat.config.js
of the hardhat package is set to kovan
and the targetNetwork
variable in the App.jsx
file of the react-app package is set to NETWORKS['kovan']
Follow the next steps to run the project locally:
Generate a deployment account:
yarn generate
Send some Kovan ETH to that account.
Deploy contracts to Kovan:
yarn deploy
Run the frontend:
yarn start
Deploy to IPFS:
yarn ipfs
Deployer accounts will have an access to a Debug Panel where they can trigger certain events. They can also manipulate the smart contracts deployed directly through this UI.
The link to the Debug Panel is located at the website's footer.
There is a uniswap
branch that is still WIP. The idea of this branch is to modify the workflow in case of a TUSD PoR/PoS event. The contract will convert the user's TUSD to WETH in this case.