basic and simple voice google search. takes input query from user voice and then speaks out the details related to the query.
step 1: navigate to voice_search folder
cd path_to/voice_search
step 2: create an conda environment using the environment.yml file. This will create the environment (speech_to_text) with all the required packages.
conda env create -f environment.yml
Note: you can change the env name "speech_to_text" in environment.yml to any other name like my_temp_env, dummy_env, etc.
step 3: activate the created environment
conda activate speech_to_text
step 5: make sure the python interpreter in the IDE is pointing to the one in created conda enviroement
typically found at this path: /Users/$USER/anaconda3/envs/speech_to_text/bin/python
step 6: now run the
python src/
Note: please say the query in high level like history of country, details about a specific product, etc. sharp questions are generally not answerable in a staightforward way.
step 7: say something you want to search when system says Listening...
step 8: just cross check the text
Recognized Text: you_query_from_speech
step 9: now get ready to listen...