This repository is for the research internship done at TU Munich, under MSc Esteve Valls and Prof Dongheui Lee.
The main goal of this project is to control a Franka Panda Arm, by feeding in trajectories performed by the right palm of user.
The project is divided into 3 subparts -
- 3D Pose Estimation and Recording Trajectories of right palm of user through MediaPipe
- After recording same motion multiple times, we get a learned trajectory with the help of DMPs
- This learned trajectory is then implemented on a Franka Panda Simulation in Gazebo
Link to Paper. Link to Final Presentation.
Installation -
pip install -e .
Clone the original franka_ros repo (by franka emika), and install (for ros noetic) -
sudo apt install ros-noetic-libfranka ros-noetic-franka-ros
Replace the following files in the franka emika repo, with the files with the same name from this current repo.
- src/franka_ros/franka_example_controllers/src/cartesian_impedance_example_controller.cpp
- src/franka_ros/franka_example_controllers/include/cartesian_impedance_example_controller.h
- src/franka_ros/franka_gazebo/world/stone.sdf
Follow the instructions (marked by #-->) given in to adjust it depending on whether you want to use your default webcam, or a pre-recorded video for recording a trajectory. Multiple trajectories (4-5) need to be recorded to get a good learned Trajectory in the next step.
Follow the instructions (marked by #-->) given in to get the learned trajectory from the previously recorded trajectories.
Update the trajectory file name in src/franka_ros/franka_example_controllers/src/cartesian_impedance_example_controller.cpp (line 195), depending on whichever trajectory you are using (default is trajectory.txt - generated in (line 176))
To run -
cd catkin_ws
catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DFranka_DIR:PATH=~/libfranka/build
catkin devel/
roslaunch franka_gazebo panda.launch x:=-0.5 controller:=cartesian_impedance_example_controller rviz:=true
# (this is the launch command for launching gazebo simulator)