Article-to-email takes a url link to any news article and sends the contents of the article to a given email in plain text.
It is useful in cases where the recipient would like to forward relevant articles to themselves but only has access to email content.
This is a Docker implementation of article-to-email application running on Flask, managed with supervisord.
Given a link to the article and the email of the recipient, the app will scrape the contents of the article, pass the contents to an email server in plain text and dispatch the email to the given recipient email address.
From server, run the following command:
cd ~ git clone [email protected]:channeng/email-article.git cd email-article
From local, copy credentials and config into server
scp -r credentials $SERVER:/home/ubuntu/email-article/credentials scp $SERVER:/home/ubuntu/email-article/
In server, install Docker and build docker image
sudo bash scripts/
- To obtain SuperUser access for Docker command, run:
sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
- Exit server and ssh back in
- To obtain SuperUser access for Docker command, run:
(Optional) Stop any containers running on existing docker image
docker container stop email-article
Build docker image
docker build -t email-article .
Note: If memory error on installing lxml, run the following and try building docker image again.
sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile bs=1024 count=524288 sudo chmod 600 /swapfile sudo mkswap /swapfile sudo swapon /swapfile docker build -t email-article .
after you're done:
sudo swapoff /swapfile
Run docker container
# To mount docker volume using local dir # Changes will be reflected on local dir db docker run -d --name email-article -p 80:5000 -v /path/to/database:/home/ubuntu/email-article/database -v /path/to/ticker_plots:/home/ubuntu/email-article/app/static/ticker_plots email-article /usr/bin/supervisord --nodaemon
(Optional, if running with Docker volume)
# Create docker volume for database docker volume create email-article-db # Check that volume exists: docker volume ls | grep email-article-db # Run container with docker volume docker run -v email-article-db:/home/ubuntu/email-article/database -p 80:5000 -d email-article /usr/bin/supervisord --nodaemon
Enter bash terminal
docker exec -it email-article /bin/bash
To save a backup of the database:
docker cp email-article:/home/ubuntu/email-article/database/ database_copy/app.db
To copy an updated config into Docker container:
docker cp email-article/ email-article:/home/ubuntu/email-article
To test DB migration:
- Copy database/app.db from docker -> server -> database/app.db
- Run the following commands:
rm -rf migrations/ # Delete any previous alembic version in DB sqlite3 database/app.db < delete_alembic_version.sqlite # Create migrations folder to prepare for migration script flask db init # Generate migration script flask db migrate # Check that changes are as expected, before executing the following: flask db upgrade