Everything launched from the code folder
Behaviors.py when run robot will stand up and enable all joints.. on exit will sit down and disable joints python behaviors.py --ip (Robot IP)
publishing to /nao_behavior/add of type String Behaviors can be queued you can replace the string with wakeup rest wait say say animated help provides list of system behaviors search move (moves forward and backwards) rotate ( turn the body) anyother string is treated as a system behavior
if you say after a behavior both will be executed at the same time if you want the robot to run the say after completing the behavior put a wait in between the calls This doesnt apply to say animated, that will always run on its own due to the auto animation Example rostopic pub -1 /nao_behavior/add std_msgs/String -- 'System/animations/Stand/Emotions/Neutral/Hello_1'
publishing to /nao_behavior/head of type Float32MultiArray Moves the nao`s head [0] yaw [1] pitch [2] speed
RVIZ Display http://wiki.ros.org/nao/Tutorials/Getting-Started 1.rosrun nao.launch nao_ip:= 2.rosrun rviz rviz -d ~/catkin_ws/src/nao_robot/nao_description/config/urdf.rviz
Notes can use choreograph to wake up and make the Nao sit down but you can also call the following after nao.launch is called to enable and disable stiffness (behaviors.py does this for you too'
rosservice call /body_stiffness/disable "{}" rosservice call /body_stiffness/enable "{}"
MY notes roslaunch nao_bringup nao_full.launch nao_ip:= network_interface:=wlan0
LAUNCH GAZEBO SIMULATION roslaunch gazebo_naoqi_control nao_gazebo.launch