This is a repository of code samples from my blogposts. I'm writing on Medium at the moment. You can find me here.
Link to the article on Medium | Sample Code | Publish Date | Topics |
Code | April, 2022 | jupyter-notebook, statistics, pandas, matplotlib | |
How do Chatbots Understand? | Code | February, 2022 | rasa, python, chatbot, nlu |
Handling Chatbot Failure Gracefully | Code | December, 2021 | rasa, python, chatbot, nlu |
Evaluating Multi-label Classifiers | Code | November, 2021 | classification, sklearn, ml, metrics |
Rasa Chatbot v2 (not a post) | Code | October, 2021 | rasa, python, chatbot, nlu |
Building a Chatbot with Rasa | Code | September, 2021 | rasa, python, chatbot, nlu |
How Imports Work in Python | Code | June, 2021 | python, imports |
Python: Decorators in OOP | TBA | January, 2021 | python, oop, decorators |
How Neural Networks Solve the XOR Problem | Code | November, 2020 | python, jupyter-notebook, matplotlib |
Understanding Dynamic Programming | TBA | October, 2020 | python, algorithms, dynamic programming |
Understanding Maximum Likelihood Estimation | TBA | August, 2020 | statistics |
Visualizing the Defective Chessboard Problem | Code | Jan, 2020 | algorithms |
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- Create an environment with the required packages installed. (More info below)
- Navigate to a project
- Check the README inside each project for information specific to it.
Creating an environment is straightforward. Though there are a few ways to do it,
is a reliable way to go about it. Install conda from here. -
To create an environment run:
$ conda create --name <env_name> python=3.8.10
After the setup is complete, activate the env.
$ conda activate <env_name>
The packages required to run these code samples are mainly of two kinds:
- Rasa dependencies
- Python data visualization and machine learning libraries
If you want to install both, use
in your env(env)$ pip install -r requirements/requirements.txt
If you want to install rasa dependencies, use
in your env(env)$ pip install -r requirements/rasa_requirements.txt
If you want to install python machine learning dependencies only, use
in your env(env)$ pip install -r requirements/non_rasa_requirements.txt
- If you're interested in using Rasa X for a more visual experience while improving and conversing with your bot, you'll require these additional steps:
- Downgrade pip to fix a circular dependency issue
$ pip install pip==20.2
- Install rasa x
$ pip install install rasa-x==0.38.1 --extra-index-url
- Downgrade pip to fix a circular dependency issue