This web app is created with the help of MERN Stack. Basically it manage the mailing and registration system.
- React.js (frontend library for build use experience) + Hooks
- Context API (State management)
- React hooks form (handling forms)
- Node.js/Express.js (API)
- MongoDB (Database for storing the use information)
- Crypto-js (end to end encryption)
- Node-mailer (sending emails)
- Joi (object validator)
- Passport.js (handling admin functionality)
- Helmet.js (sanitize the API and preventing from various attacks)
Create .env
file at root folder and provide environment variables
# Gmail and Password
# Secret key(same as client SECRET)
# Website Login page
# Mongodb database string
On Client folder under src\config
folder provide environment variables
# Install dependencies for server
yarn install
# Install dependencies for client
yarn client-install
# Run the client & server with concurrently
yarn dev
# Run the Express server only
yarn server
# Run the React client only
yarn client
# Server runs on http://localhost:5000 and client on http://localhost:3000
This project is licensed under the MIT License