A game of sudoku written in TypeScript as a mobile app. Let's you solve the hardest sudokus by hand with depth-first search. It allows you to guess a number and continue solving while being able to return to the point of guessing. This process can be done in a nested way. Try it at sudoku.emeki.ch, a screenshot is shown below.
More instructions can be found in a blog post here. Can you solve the one below? It was devised by Arto Inkala, a Finnish mathematician, and is specifically designed to be unsolvable to all but the sharpest minds.
Built upon simpler JavaScript version found at https://github.com/baruchel/sudoku-js. The icons open source and taken from https://ionicons.com/.
For local development and testing, Node.js
was used with jest
as a
testing framework. For installation run:
$ npm install --save-dev jest babel-jest babel-preset-env
$ npm i @types/jquery
To then test the website locally, one possibility is to
use http-server
with node.js
. You will probably also want
to compile the TypeScript code:
$ tsc
$ npx http-server
And then go to http://localhost:8080/index.html
This might change if the port is already in use.
Note that an internet connection is required to load
the icons.