Welcome to my GitHub profile! I'm currently pursuing a Master of Science in Computer Science with a concentration in AI at New York University (NYU) Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. With a strong background in deep learning, computer vision, and big data, I have a passion for developing scalable and efficient machine learning models and systems.
- CEMDL: Developed advanced CUDA kernels for auto-differentiation, GEMM operations, and deep learning architectures like ResNet-18, attention modules, and Transformers, enhancing performance and scalability.
- CiNEDL: Collaborated with the Indian Space Research Organisation to develop a cyclone intensity prediction model using TensorFlow and OpenCV, deployed with a ReactJS frontend and Django backend for user-friendly accessibility.
- Vartalaap: Developed a communication application utilizing ReactJS, Redux, RabbitMQ, Node.js, Socket.IO, MongoDB, and WebRTC, incorporating OAuth-based user authentication, multiple-peer video conferencing, and chat functionalities.
- VirDoc: A mobile application developed in React Native for healthcare, integrating Bayesian Estimation for disease prediction, Agora SDK for real-time video consultations, and AWS EC2 for backend deployment.
- A. Mishra, R. Jha, V. Bhattacharya, “SSCLNet: A Self-Supervised Contrastive Loss-Based Pre-Trained Network for Brain MRI Classification”, IEEE Access DOI
- A. Mishra, V. Bhattacharya, “Applying Semi-Supervised Learning on Human Activity Recognition Data”, IEEE International Conference in IoT and Blockchain - 2022 DOI
- Languages: Python, C/C++, JavaScript, C#, SQL, Java, .NET
- Technologies: PyTorch, TensorFlow, CUDA, Keras, Kubeflow, Hadoop, HDFS, Node.js, CMake, React, Typescript, Redux, Django, Kubernetes, Docker, GIT, MySQL, MongoDB, Linux, Windows, Azure Files, AWS, GCP, JSON, XML, Firebase, Swagger API, OpenCL, DGL, Wordnet, PostgreSQL, NLP, Web-development, Machine learning, HPC, GPU Programming, SDLC, MapReduce, Unit Test, Regression, Version Tests, Bash, Shell, Problem Solving, SaaS
- Email: [email protected]
- LinkedIn: Animesh Mishra
- GitHub: cheersanimesh
- Google Scholar: Animesh Mishra