(The old documentation was removed! We will support and publish a new one as soon as possible)
With the publish of discord.py v2.0 (Beta - Early access), we are developing the new version of Chiharu Discord Bot v3.0 (used to be known as HomophobicDiscordBot) with a special framework which works perfectly with the new version of discord.py library!
*NOTE: Please install Python v3.7 (3.8) or upper versions (we do recommend you installing the latest version of Python, which is v3.10 for the smoothest experience) Since we're going to use the new beta-version of discord.py, which is not published to pypi.org, because of that we have to install the library in another way, use this command:
In CMD (Windows) / Terminal (MacOS):
pip install -U git+https://github.com/Rapptz/discord.py
Then you can clone or download my repository (delete unnecessary files if you want to), copy the BOT Token and put it into your .env file:
In .env file:
TOKEN=gbvhdusfh_jjrghuvfjffvrnjd_69420_lmao_shitty_ahhhahahha (or something like that)
Run the bot by executing the bot.py
file in command terminal:
In CMD (Windows) / Terminal (MacOS):
python3 bot.py
py bot.py (for short, only on Windows)
Any error in runtime or you're struggling in turning on the bot? Feel free to message me or create an issue on Github, I'll really appreciate that! (of course I'll review and fix the bug as soon as possible :D)
Our Beta-version of Chiharu Discord Bot v3.0 supports a large number of epic features that developers can modify them! Moreover, we did created a framework that not only for our bot, even for your own bots! So let's head into da koding!
(Since this is the beta-stage, we won't show every feature that the source code contains, but you can find out them by yourself! We will provide you guys a full documentation in near future)
1. Language System
- Yes you did heard right! You can modify our language file, or even create one for yourself!
- Currently in our default language folder, we only support
American English
, but don't worry, you can create a pull request to have a chance for your language to be in our default folder! - This is how to create a new language file:
- Step 1: Copy an existed language file and name it as your language code. (don't have to be English, just any file that you can understand to translate)
Language code
: A code that contains the name of the language and the dialect which the language uses.- Case in point of
Language code
(which means American English),vi_vi
(which means Vietnamese), etc...
- Step 2: Edit the language configurations:
- At the top of the language file, you have to change the property/value of that dictionary:
"language_configurations": { "language": "English", "language_name": "American English", "country_id": "US", "language_id": "en", "language_code": "en-US", "language_file": "en_us", "flag_code": "us", "flag_emoji": ":flag_us:" }
- Especially, the
property, which supports the flag emoji inlanguage
command, you can find the codes in./data/flag_code.json
, the file in which contains country names and their flag codes.
- At the top of the language file, you have to change the property/value of that dictionary:
- Step 3: Now you can translate everything in the file into your language! You don't have to reload the bot, just reload the language with
(change to another language then change it back, sorry for the inconvenience, we'll support a command to reload the language data soon)
- Step 1: Copy an existed language file and name it as your language code. (don't have to be English, just any file that you can understand to translate)
- That's it. You don't have to do anything more than those. The action that you create a new language file, the bot will automatically register that language file in to the source-code, you don't have to worry about the installations, that badboi will do everything left for you!
- IMPORTANT NOTE: Somewhere, the data will contain some values which are in a pair of brackets, for example:
"info": [
"There are currently {NUMBER} available languages!",
"They are: **{LANGUAGES}**.",
"Currently using: **{CURRENT_LANGUAGE}**.",
"To change language, click the green button.",
"For more information about localizations, click the gray button."
You must keep those bracket (actually you can remove them but it'll miss the data that we provide), you can put those brackets anywhere you want in the string, but please keep them, don't remove those!
- By the way, we also support
Unicode UTF-8
characters, so don't worry about the fact that your language contains non-latin characters :D
For example:
Vietnamese: ÀÁÂÃÈÉÊÌÍÒÓÔÕÙÚĂĐĨŨƠàáâãèéêìíòóôõùúăđĩũơƯĂẠẢẤẦẨẪẬẮẰẲẴẶẸẺẼỀỀỂưăạảấầẩẫậắằẳẵặẹẻẽềềểỄỆỈỊỌỎỐỒỔỖỘỚỜỞỠỢỤỦỨỪễệỉịọỏốồổỗộớờởỡợụủứừỬỮỰỲỴÝỶỸửữựỳỵỷỹ
These are things that we have done the development, but still remains some bugs and unstable statuses, also we're too lazy to write those documentations, so see ya in a later date.
2. (Coming soon) Custom property in user profile
3. (Coming soon) Support slash commands, custom commands
4. (Coming soon) Custom constants, functions and classes in Chiharu Framework
5. (Coming soon) Support databases
6. (Coming soon) Website, API, change user profile on website
7. (Coming soon) Music and Entertainments, Server-moderations
The beta-1.0
of Chiharu Discord Bot v3.0
will be released on 06/18/2022
for developers.