Vite zero-config customizable plugin to import SVG and transform it to a React component in a simple way.
- 👌 Zero-config: built-in default configs for common use cases
- ✅ Easy import: Not aditional
string needed - ⚒️ Configurable: full ability to customize the behavior of the plugin
- ⚛️ Transformed with SVGR: svgr library based to transform the svg to a React Component
- ⚡ Optimized SVG: Optimized with SVGO plugin
- 🔑 Fully typed: written in Typescript and extends SVGR options with types
# NPM install as a devDepencency
npm i vite-plugin-svgr-component -D
# YARN install as a devDependency
yarn add vite-plugin-svgr-component -D
Add svgrComponent
plugin to vite.config.js / vite.config.ts
and use it:
By default it will transform all the
files imported to a React component
/* vite.config.js / vite.config.ts */
import { svgrComponent } from 'vite-plugin-svgr-component';
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
/* React component file */
import CustomIcon from 'custom-icon.svg';
const Component = (props) => (
<CustomIcon />
{/* You can add a title by default */}
<CustomIcon title="custom svg title" />
{/* Accesibility (A11y) title props linked to titleId prop */}
<CustomIcon title="custom svg title" titleId="custom-icon"/>
As it uses micromatch under the hood, you can set a string pattern to transform specific svg file imports
/* vite.config file */
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
// Example: import HomeIcon from 'home-icon-embedded.svg'
svgrComponent({ importStringPattern: '*-embedded.svg' })
As it uses svgr under the hood, you can set all the available options to generate the react component. Here you have an example:
/* vite.config file */
export default {
// ...
plugins: [
svgrOptions: {
ref: true, // Forward the ref to the root SVG tag.
icon: true, // Replace SVG width and height with
// 1em to make SVG inherit text size.
/* ... */
If you use the plugin in a Typescript project you will need the reference to the type definitions
to allow to use "title" and "titleId" in your SVGComponent
/* vite-env.d.ts (file) */
/// <reference types="vite-plugin-svgr-component/client" />
Check out the type declaration src/index.ts with all the related types
Created with Typescript! ⚡ and latin music 🎺🎵