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Adapt Constructionbase and add AlignedStyle for zipped tree traversal (
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* adapt constructionbase; add alignedstyle

* default aligned style

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* refine scan

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chengchingwen authored Jul 20, 2022
1 parent cf5bf72 commit 764bd69
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6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
name = "StructWalk"
uuid = "31cdf514-beb7-4750-89db-dda9d2eb8d3d"
authors = ["chengchingwen <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.1.0"
version = "0.2.0"

ConstructionBase = "187b0558-2788-49d3-abe0-74a17ed4e7c9"

ConstructionBase = "1"
julia = "1.6"

Expand Down
16 changes: 8 additions & 8 deletions
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Expand Up @@ -80,22 +80,22 @@ import StructWalk: WalkStyle, walkstyle

struct FunctorStyle <: WalkStyle end

walkstyle(::FunctorStyle, x::AbstractArray) = identity, ()
StructWalk.children(::FunctorStyle, x::AbstractArray) = ()

struct Foo{X, Y}

struct Baz

walkstyle(::FunctorStyle, b::Baz) = x->Baz(x, b.y), (b.x,)

myfmap(f, x) = StructWalk.walk(f, identity, FunctorStyle(), x, x -> myfmap(f, x))
StructWalk.constructor(::FunctorStyle, b::Baz) = Base.Fix2(Baz, b.y)
StructWalk.children(::FunctorStyle, b::Baz) = (b.x,)

myfmap(f, x) = mapleaves(f, FunctorStyle(), x)

julia> foo = Foo(1, [1, 2, 3])
Foo{Int64, Vector{Int64}}(1, [1, 2, 3])
Expand Down
138 changes: 107 additions & 31 deletions src/StructWalk.jl
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@@ -1,6 +1,9 @@
module StructWalk

export prewalk, postwalk
import ConstructionBase
using ConstructionBase: constructorof

export prewalk, postwalk, mapleaves

Abstract type `WalkStyle`
Expand All @@ -12,11 +15,11 @@ abstract type WalkStyle end
walkstyle(::CustomWalkStyle, x::T) where {CumstomWalkStyle <: WalkStyle}
Should return a tuple of length 2-3 with:
Should return a tuple of length 3 with:
1. A proper constuctor for `T`, can be `identity` if `x` isa leaf.
2. Children of `x` in a tuple, or empty tuple `()` if `x` is a leaf.
3. [optional] a bool indicate whether element of 2. is the actual list of children. default to `false`.
1. [constructor](@ref): A proper constuctor for `T`, can be `identity` if `x` isa leaf.
2. [children](@ref): Children of `x` in a tuple, or empty tuple `()` if `x` is a leaf.
3. [iscontainer](@ref): A bool indicate whether element of 2. is the actual list of children. default to `false`.
For example, since `Array` has 0 `fieldcount`, we doesn't split the value into a tuple as children.
Instead, we return `(x,)` as children and the extra boolean `true`, so it will `walk`/`map` through `x`
Expand All @@ -28,20 +31,54 @@ function walkstyle end
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::T) where T
return `T` and a tuple all field values of `x`.
Return `T` and a tuple all field values of `x`. The default behavior use
`ConstructionBase.constructorof` for the constructor and
`ConstructionBase.getfields` for the children.
walkstyle(x) = walkstyle(WalkStyle, x)
walkstyle(s::WalkStyle, x) = walkstyle(WalkStyle, x)
function walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::T) where T
n = fieldcount(T)
isleaf = iszero(n)
return, isleaf ? () : ntuple(i->getfield(x, i), n)
walkstyle(s::WalkStyle, x) = _walkstyle(s, x)
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x) = _walkstyle(WalkStyle, x)
@inline _walkstyle(s, x) = constructor(s, x), children(s, x), iscontainer(s, x)

constructor(s::WalkStyle, x)
Return the constructor for `x`, which would be applied to `children(s, x)`.
See also: [children](@ref), [iscontainer](@ref)
constructor(x) = constructor(WalkStyle, x)
constructor(s::WalkStyle, x) = constructor(WalkStyle, x)
constructor(::Type{WalkStyle}, x) = iszero(fieldcount(typeof(x))) ? identity : ConstructionBase.constructorof(typeof(x))

children(s::WalkStyle, x)
Return the children of `x`, which would be feeded to `constructor(s, x)`. If `x` is an container type like `Array`,
it can return a tuple of itself and set `iscontainer(s, x)` to `true`.
See also: [constructor](@ref), [iscontainer](@ref)
children(x) = children(WalkStyle, x)
children(s::WalkStyle, x) = children(WalkStyle, x)
children(::Type{WalkStyle}, x) = iszero(fieldcount(typeof(x))) ? () : ConstructionBase.getfields(x)

iscontainer(s::WalkStyle, x)
Return a `Bool` indicating whether `children(x)` return a tuple of itself or not.
See also: [constructor](@ref), [children](@ref)
iscontainer(x) = iscontainer(WalkStyle, x)
iscontainer(s::WalkStyle, x) = iscontainer(WalkStyle, x)
iscontainer(::Type{WalkStyle}, x) = false

const WALKSTYLE = Union{WalkStyle, Type{WalkStyle}}

# default walkstyle for some types

Expand All @@ -55,31 +92,31 @@ end


walk(_, _, _, x::LeafNode, _) = x.x
walk(_, _, ::WALKSTYLE, _, x::LeafNode) = x.x

walk(f, style, x, inner_walk) = walk(f, f, style, x, inner_walk)
function walk(f, g, style, x, inner_walk)
S = walkstyle(style, x)
T, fields = S
walk(f, style::WALKSTYLE, inner_walk, x) = walk(f, f, style, inner_walk, x)
function walk(f, g, style::WALKSTYLE, inner_walk, x)
T, fields, iscontainer = walkstyle(style, x)
isleaf = isempty(fields)
isnontuple = length(S) <= 2 ? false : S[3]
if isleaf
return f(x)
h = isnontuple ? v->map(inner_walk, v) : inner_walk
return g(T(map(h, fields)...))
h = iscontainer ? Base.Fix1(map, inner_walk) : inner_walk
v = map(h, fields)
return g(T(v...))

postwalk(f, [style = WalkStyle], x)
Applies `f` to each node in `x` and return the result.
`f` sees the leaves first and then the transformed node.
Apply `f` to each node in `x` and return the result.
`f` sees the leaves first and then the transformed node.
# Example
julia> postwalk(x -> @show(x) isa Integer ? x + 1 : x, (a=2, b=(c=4, d=0)))
x = 2
x = 4
Expand All @@ -105,21 +142,20 @@ x = (3//2, 5//2)
See also: [`prewalk`](@ref)
postwalk(f, x) = postwalk(f, WalkStyle, x)
postwalk(f, style, x) = walk(f, style, x, x -> postwalk(f, style, x))

postwalk(f, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = walk(f, style, x -> postwalk(f, style, x), x)

prewalk(f, [style = WalkStyle], x)
Applies `f` to each node in `x` and return the result.
`f` sees the node first and then the transformed leaves.
Apply `f` to each node in `x` and return the result.
`f` sees the node first and then the transformed leaves.
*Notice* that it is possible it walk infinitely if you transform a node into non-leaf value.
Wrapping the non-leaf value with `LeafNode(y)` in `f` to prevent infinite walk.
# Example
julia> prewalk(x -> @show(x) isa Integer ? x + 1 : x, (a=2, b=(c=4, d=0)))
x = (a = 2, b = (c = 4, d = 0))
x = 2
Expand All @@ -145,10 +181,50 @@ x = 6
See also: [`postwalk`](@ref), [`LeafNode`](@ref)
prewalk(f, x) = prewalk(f, WalkStyle, x)
prewalk(f, style, x) = walk(identity, style, f(x), x -> prewalk(f, style, x))
prewalk(f, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = walk(identity, style, x -> prewalk(f, style, x), f(x))

mapleaves(f, [style = WalkStyle], x)
Apply `f` to each leaf nodes in `x` and return the result.
`f` only see leaf nodes.
# Example
julia> mapleaves(x -> @show(x) isa Integer ? x + 1 : x, (a=2, b=(c=4, d=0)))
x = 2
x = 4
x = 0
(a = 3, b = (c = 5, d = 1))
mapleaves(f, x) = mapleaves(f, WalkStyle, x)
mapleaves(f, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = walk(f, identity, style, x -> mapleaves(f, style, x), x)

mapnonleaves(f, [style = WalkStyle], x)
Apply `f` to each non-leaf in `x` and return the result.
`f` only see non-leaf nodes.
# Example
julia> StructWalk.mapnonleaves(x -> @show(x) isa Integer ? x + 1 : x, (a=2, b=(c=4, d=0)))
x = (c = 4, d = 0)
x = (a = 2, b = (c = 4, d = 0))
(a = 2, b = (c = 4, d = 0))
mapnonleaves(f, x) = mapnonleaves(f, WalkStyle, x)
mapnonleaves(f, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = walk(identity, f, style, x -> mapnonleaves(f, style, x), x)



60 changes: 60 additions & 0 deletions src/aligned.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,60 @@
abstract type AlignedStyle{W<:WalkStyle} end

struct DefaultAlignedStyle{W} <: AlignedStyle{W}

const ALIGNED = Union{AlignedStyle, Type{<:AlignedStyle}, DefaultAlignedStyle}

WalkStyle(style::DefaultAlignedStyle) = style.walkstyle
WalkStyle(::AlignedStyle{W}) where W = W()
WalkStyle(::Type{AlignedStyle}) = WalkStyle
WalkStyle(::Type{<:AlignedStyle{W}}) where W = W()

constructor(s::ALIGNED, x::T, y::T, z::T...) where T = T
constructor(s::ALIGNED, x::NamedTuple{name}, y::NamedTuple{name}, z::NamedTuple{name}...) where name = NamedTuple{name}
constructor(s::ALIGNED, x::Union{NamedTuple, Tuple}, y::Union{NamedTuple, Tuple}, z::Union{NamedTuple, Tuple}...) = Tuple
constructor(s::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = Vector

function children(style::ALIGNED, x)
wstyle = WalkStyle(style)
xc = children(wstyle, x)
x_is_c = iscontainer(wstyle, x)
return x_is_c ? length(xc) == 1 ? xc[1] : Iterators.flatten(xc) : xc
children(style::ALIGNED, x, y) = (children(style, x), children(style, y))
children(style::ALIGNED, x, y, z, w...) = (children(style, x), children(style, y, z, w...)...)

alignedstyle(x, y, z...) = alignedstyle(AlignedStyle, x, y, z...)
function alignedstyle(style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...)
T = constructor(style, x, y, z...)
C = children(style, x, y, z...)
return T, zip(C...)

walk(f, style::ALIGNED, inner_walk, x, y, z...) = walk(f, f, style, inner_walk, x, y, z...)
function walk(f, g, style::ALIGNED, inner_walk, x, y, z...)
T, C = alignedstyle(style, x, y, z...)
isleaf = isempty(C)
if isleaf
return f((x, y, z...))
return g(T(map(inner_walk, C)))

postwalk(f, x, y, z...) = postwalk(f, AlignedStyle, x, y, z...)
postwalk(f, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = postwalk(f, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
postwalk(f, style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = walk(f, style, x -> postwalk(f, style, x...), x, y, z...)

prewalk(f, x, y, z...) = prewalk(f, AlignedStyle, x, y, z...)
prewalk(f, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = prewalk(f, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
prewalk(f, style::ALIGNED, x) = walk(identity, style, x -> prewalk(f, style, x...), f(x), f(y), map(f, z)...)

mapleaves(f, x, y, z...) = mapleaves(f, AlignedStyle, x, y, z...)
mapleaves(f, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = mapleaves(f, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
mapleaves(f, style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = walk(f, identity, style, x -> mapleaves(f, style, x...), x, y, z...)

mapnonleaves(f, x, y, z...) = mapnonleaves(f, AlignedStyle, x, y, z...)
mapnonleaves(f, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = mapnonleaves(f, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
mapnonleaves(f, style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = walk(identity, f, style, x -> mapnonleaves(f, style, x...), x, y, z...)
46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/scan.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
function walkby(f, g, h, style::WALKSTYLE, inner_scan, x)
_, fields, iscontainer = walkstyle(style, x)
isleaf = isempty(fields)
if isleaf
_h = iscontainer ? Base.Fix1(map, inner_scan) : inner_scan
foreach(_h, fields)
return nothing

function walkby(f, g, h, style::ALIGNED, inner_scan, x, y, z...)
_, C = alignedstyle(style, x, y, z...)
isleaf = isempty(C)
X = (x, y, z...)
if isleaf
foreach(inner_scan, C)
return nothing

scan(f, [style = WalkStyle], x)
Walk through `x` without constructing anything.
scan(f, x) = scan(f, WalkStyle, x)
scan(f, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = scan(f, f, style, x)
scan(f, g, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = scan(f, g, identity, style, x)
scan(f, g, h, style::WALKSTYLE, x) = walkby(f, g, h, style, x -> scan(f, g, h, style, x), x)

scan(f, x, y, z...) = scan(f, AlignedStyle, x, y, z...)
scan(f, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = scan(f, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
scan(f, g, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = scan(f, g, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
scan(f, g, h, style::WalkStyle, x, y, z...) = scan(f, g, h, DefaultAlignedStyle(style), x, y, z...)
scan(f, style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = scan(f, f, style, x, y, z...)
scan(f, g, style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = scan(f, g, identity, style, x, y, z...)
scan(f, g, h, style::ALIGNED, x, y, z...) = walkby(f, g, h, style, x -> scan(f, g, h, style, x...), x, y, z...)
24 changes: 19 additions & 5 deletions src/walkstyle.jl
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@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::T) where {T <: AbstractArray} = t->convert(AbstractArray, t), (x,), true
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::T) where {T <: Tuple} = Tuple, (x,), true
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::T) where {T <: NamedTuple} = let name=keys(x); x->NamedTuple{name}(x); end, (x,), true
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::Expr) = (head, args)->Expr(head, args...), (x.head, x.args)
walkstyle(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::T) where {T <: AbstractDict} = Dict, ((p for p in x),), true
expr_constructor(head, args) = Expr(head, args...)

constructor(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::Tuple) = Tuple
constructor(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::NamedTuple) = let name = keys(x); x->NamedTuple{name}(x); end
constructor(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::Expr) = expr_constructor

children(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::AbstractArray) = (x,)
children(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::Tuple) = (x,)
children(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::NamedTuple) = (x,)
children(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::AbstractDict) = ((p for p in x),)

for type in :(
@eval iscontainer(::Type{WalkStyle}, x::$type) = true

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