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Trying to make a practical possibly unsound dependently typed language with algebraic effects


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This project is under development and not usable yet. - note that the domain is subject to change

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NodeJS CLI (experimental)

NODE_OPTIONS=--enable-source-maps npx chester-cli

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curl -fsSL | bash


irm | iex

Or use Proto to install Chester.

proto plugin add --global chester ""
proto install chester

Build requirements

  • Node.JS and PNPM
  • SBT
  • JDK 11 +
  • [Optional] GraalVM
  • [Optional] Clang

They are copied from other programming languages

  • Scala2-like C-family syntax
  • Lexically scoped effect handlers - Effekt
  • REPL highlighting color schema - Idris1

They are being copied from other programming languages

  • Two-Level Type Theory - Agda
  • Evil implicit conversion and implicit parameters - Scala2


It might look like?

module 🐰;

trait 舞 <: Show;

record 超会議 <: 舞 derives Show {
  val year: Nat;

object InternetOverdose <: 舞 derives Show;

module 超会議 {
  val バタフライ_グラフィティ: 舞 = 超会議(2017);
i: InternetOverdose.type = InternetOverdose;

sealed trait Expr[T: Type] {
  def eval: T;

record IVal <: Expr[Int] {
  val val: Int;
  override def eval = val;

record BVal <: Expr[Int] {
  val val: Bool;
  override def eval = val;

sealed trait Vect[n: Nat, T: Type] {
  def apply(index: Fin n): T = ?todo;

object Nil[T] <: Vect[0, T];
record Cons[n,T] <: Vect[n+1, T] {
  val head: T;
  val tail: Vect[n, T];
n: Nil.type[Int] = Nil;

proof1[T]: Nil[T] = Nil[T];
proof1[T] = ?hole;

// alternative syntax for GADT
data Vect2[n: Nat, T: Type] {
  case Nil[T] <: Vect[0, T];
  case Cons[n,T](head: T, tail: Vect[n, T]) <: Vect[n+1, T];

record MutableString {
  var name: String;

record MutableStringExplicit[a: Region] {
  var[a] name: String;

record Box[a] {
  var var: a;

record BoxExplicit[a][s: Region] {
  var[s] var: a;

// an effect for global variables?
module MutModule / Global {
  let a = Box(0);

// IO somehow gives an implicit Region?
entry: Unit / IO = {
  let a = MutableString(""); = "はっぱ - もうすぐ楽になるからね";

AnonymousRecordType: Type = {name: String};
record1: AnonymousRecordType = {
  name = "Ame-chan";

extension [T](xs: List[T]) {
  // & denotes a second class type that won't leave the scope. Nonlocal returns and additional algebraic effects can be used in a second class function. original idea: Brachthäuser and Schuster (2017)
  def map[U](f: & T -> U): List[U] = ?todo;
  // def map[U,e](f: T -> U / e): List[U] / e = ?todo;


Brachthäuser, J. I., & Schuster, P. (2017). Effekt: Extensible algebraic effects in Scala (short paper). Proceedings of the 8th ACM SIGPLAN International Symposium on Scala (SCALA 2017), 67–72.