Build a "Spam Buster" for user generated IMAGE content based on predefined text, links identified as "known bads", based on which the image should be classified as spam or not-spam. The "known bads" can be updated anytime. The "Spam Buster" would need to analyze at image level, identify text components inside image and build appropriate logic to give a score to the image.
A similar used case is employed by Facebook Ads technology to identify if the image ad contains too much text or contains any objectionable text."
We build a flask based micro-service which gives a "Spaminess score" for any uploaded image. The score is derived by aggregating the scores from two models:
- Text based spam classifier - Text is extracted from the image and a pre-trained model runs on the text to classify text in respective bucket
- Image based spam classifier - Convolution neural network which classifies image as spam or not based on the image features
Clone the repo and cd into predict folder
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
cd predict
Now, Open this link in your browser...
Clone the repo and cd into predict folder
Run the image and bash into it to start the server
docker run --rm -itd \
--name spam_buster \
-v image-spam/predict:/predict \
-p 5000:5000 \
kayush206/img_spam:v2 bash
cd /predict
Now, Open this link in your browser...