Copy 3 following directories in your root web site directory
- includes ( if includes directory already exists in your root web site, just add contents package to your own )
- demo ( if exists )
- lisha1.00
Setup rights to have read/write acces to your web directories
- Create your custom schema ( e.g. : lisha )
- Import file MySQL_lisha.sql into this schema
Go to web file directory : includes/lishaSetup/main_configuration.php and do the following
- Find line contains
define("__LISHA_DATABASE_SCHEMA__","lisha"); // Schema
then replace lisha by your own schema name
- Find line contains
define("__LISHA_DATABASE_USER__","adminl"); // user
then replace adminl by your own database user name
- Find line contains
define("__LISHA_DATABASE_PASSWORD__","demo"); // password
then replace demo by your own database user password
Go to web file directory : demo/includes/lishaSetup/main_configuration.php and do the following
- Find line contains
define("__LISHA_DATABASE_SCHEMA__","lisha"); // Schema
then replace lisha by your own schema name
- Find line contains
define("__LISHA_DATABASE_USER__","adminl"); // user
then replace adminl by your own database user name
- Find line contains
define("__LISHA_DATABASE_PASSWORD__","demo"); // password
then replace demo by your own database user password
To run demo : http://localhost/demo/
To run demo password : http://localhost/demo/password/
Only if you have downloaded full package
Go to web file directory : lisha1.00/includes/MTSetup/setup.php and do the following
Find line contains
define("__MAGICTREE_DATABASE_SCHEMA__","lisha"); // Schema
then replace lisha by your own schema name
Find line contains
define("__MAGICTREE_DATABASE_USER__","adminl"); // user
then replace adminl by your own database user name
Find line contains
define("__MAGICTREE_DATABASE_PASSWORD__","demo"); // password
then replace demo by your own database user password
In your lisha custom file setup ( eg: demo/includes/LishaDefine/demo.php )
- Replace line
$obj_lisha_tran->define_attribute('__active_user_doc', false); // user documentation button
$obj_lisha_tran->define_attribute('__active_user_doc', true); // user documentation button
- Replace line
$obj_lisha_tran->define_attribute('__active_tech_doc', false); // technical documentation button
$obj_lisha_tran->define_attribute('__active_tech_doc', true); // technical documentation button
- Replace line
$obj_lisha_tran->define_attribute('__active_ticket', false); // Tickets link
$obj_lisha_tran->define_attribute('__active_ticket', true); // Tickets link
- Access
Url access to technical documentation
Url access to user documentation
Url access to tickets
in demo/includes/LishaDefine/demo.php
Relative access to your lisha is flag by 'xxxxxxxxxx'
here a part of my root wesb site ... demo ajax ... includes ... index.php <-- file that run my lisha ( source ) lisha1.00 <-- lisha framework ( destination ) ...
Use $path_root_lisha defined into your main_configuration.php file
So to go from source to destination, i have to build relative path '../lisha1.00' or using constant '../'.LISHA_APPLICATION_RELEASE
$_SESSION[$ssid]['lisha'][$lisha1_id] = new lisha(
array('user' => __LISHA_DATABASE_USER__,'password' => __LISHA_DATABASE_PASSWORD__,'host' => __LISHA_DATABASE_HOST__,'schema' => __LISHA_DATABASE_SCHEMA__),
php.ini contents
default_charset = "utf-8"
my.cnf contents
character-set-client = utf8
httpd.conf contents
AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
Any question ? Go to