The Pomodoro Productivity Platform leverages the Pomodoro Technique to boost productivity and enhance focus. The Pomodoro Technique involves breaking work into 25-minute intervals, followed by short breaks, to maintain concentration and efficiency. Our platform takes it a step further by integrating background music, customizable timers, and a cozy, animated UI to create a fun and engaging study environment.
- Customizable Study and Break Timers: Set your own durations for study sessions and breaks with customizable timers, accompanied by alarm sounds to indicate the start and end of each session.
- Background Music: Enjoy a selection of calming music during your study sessions to improve focus.
- User Stats: Track your study progress and statistics to monitor your performance over time.
- Admin Role: Admins can upload, delete, and edit songs, while users can listen to music during study sessions.
- Cozy UI: The platform features an animated cat in the background and a cozy, user-friendly interface for an engaging experience.
The application is structured around several microservices to ensure scalability, maintainability, and separation of concerns:
- Provides the Eureka Server for service discovery and monitoring.
- The platform uses an asynchronous API Gateway powered by the Netty web server to manage incoming HTTP requests and route them to the appropriate services.
- User registration and login.
- Role-based access control (Admin/User).
- JWT token generation and validation for secure access to protected routes.
- Admins can upload, edit, and delete songs.
- Users can select and listen to songs during their study sessions.
- Uses Firebase Storage to store media files and Firestore to manage song metadata.
- Tracks the total time a user spends studying.
- Stores and updates user session data in the PostgreSQL database.
- Displays user stats for tracking productivity over time.
- React.js: Used for building the dynamic user interface.
- Ant Design: Utilized for UI components and styling to ensure an intuitive and aesthetically pleasing design.
- Spring Boot: Used to create the RESTful APIs for handling the backend logic and business rules.
- PostgreSQL (via Supabase): Used for storing user data and application state.
- Firebase: Manages the storage of media files (songs) and handles user authentication.
- Postman: Used for testing APIs and troubleshooting backend functionality.