Contains scripts used in this project
Download the pack and go file from
In robot studio, OPEN the file ´ChibuikeM00543047.rspag´ in the folder downloaded from the link above
If asked, SELECT ´use .. from the pack and go file´ (wait for the controller to load)
right-click on the controller ´IRB120_.....´ and select ´Virtual FlexPendant´ (wait for the pendant to load)
Open the simulation tab (Home | Modeling | Simulation), and start the program
Please follow the instructions on the Virtual FlexPendant to view this program in action.
- Different ways of interacting with the user via the Virtual FlexPendant
- Automatic scaling and positioning of the text on the work object
- How the robot automatically uses the right MOTION and speed for each stage of a given movement i.e. The travel, the approach, the writing motion, and the departure
- Try moving the work surface, (you'll find that every point is calculated based on the location of the work surface)
- Open the rapid tab (Simulation | Controller | RAPID), and double-click on the rapid module ´Module1´
- Please feel free to explore, other procedures that have not been used in the simulation e.g. The ability to draw an artwork using just Text ´DrawMyTextArt´
- Email: [email protected] Chibuike Okpaluba, Subject: <Middlesex University - ABB Writing Project 1>