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Visualizes Quality Control(QC) Results for Quartet RNA-Seq Data.


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Quartet RSeQC Report

Quartet RSeQC Report is a quality assessment tool for RNA-seq data. It contains two parts: workflow and report. The workflow command takes raw reads (in FASTQ format), produces a set of qc result files from them. and you can use report command to report the results finally. We strongly recommend you to use the whole pipeline with docker to analyze your raw data and generate the report. See Whole pipeline for more details. If you only want to generate the report from the expression table, see Only report for more details.

For users [Recommended]

How to run Quartet RSeQC Report [Whole pipeline]

see more details on QDP Docs.

How to generate Quartet RSeQC Report from the expression table [Only report]

STEP1: Pull docker image

you need to get the tag name from here, and replace the [tag_name] with the tag name. such as v0.2.4-15cd635b

docker pull[tag_name]

STEP2: Run docker image

We assume you have the folloing files in the /report directory which is mounted to the docker container.

docker run -v <your-local-directory>:/report  --entrypoint bash -it[tag_name]

# If you get a bash shell like this, it means you have successfully run the docker image
# root@af1ae467b246:/data#

STEP3: Run exp2qcdt to deal with the expression table


  1. We assume you have the following files in the /report directory: fpkm.csv, count.csv, metadata.csv
  2. You must be sure that you are in the docker container

The fpkm.csv and count.csv are the expression table, and the metadata.csv is the phenotype table.

Get the example files from here: fpkm.csv, count.csv, metadata.csv

mkdir /report/output
bash /venv/bin/ -e /report/fpkm.csv -c /report/count.csv -m /report/metadata.csv -o /report/output

After the above command, you will get the following files in the /report/output directory in the docker container or /output directory in your local machine.


STEP4: Run multiqc to generate the report

multiqc /report/output -t quartet_rnaseq_report

After the above command, you will get the final report file multiqc_report.html in the /report/output directory in the docker container or /output directory in your local machine.

For developers

Build docker image [Recommended]

You need to install Docker first.

git clone

cd quartet-rseqc-report


# After build docker image, you can run the docker image
docker run -it --rm quartet-rseqc-report:<tag_name> --help

Build from source code [Not recommended]


  • Bash
  • Python3 >= 3.7
  • pip3
  • Java
  • R >= 3.6.3
# For Linux
conda create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c anaconda -n quartet-rseqc-report python=3.9 openjdk=8.0.312 r-base=3.6.3 blas lapack cxx-compiler conda-pack gfortran_linux-64

# For Mac
conda create -c conda-forge -c bioconda -c anaconda -n quartet-rseqc-report python=3.9 openjdk=8.0.312 r-base=3.6.3 blas lapack cxx-compiler conda-pack


# Activate conda environment
conda activate quartet-rseqc-report

# Clone the repo
git clone

cd quartet-rseqc-report

# Build the environment and compile the quartet-rseqc-report
make all


source .env/bin/activate
java -jar target/uberjar/quartet-rseqc-report-*-standalone.jar -h

For QDP developers [Plugin Mode]


Please access Quartet Service for more details


copm-cli install -n quartet-rseqc-report -V v0.2.4 -d plugins


Quartet QC Report for RNA-Seq Data developed by Jun Shang <exp2qcdt & report>


Copyright © 2021

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at

This Source Code may also be made available under the following Secondary Licenses when the conditions for such availability set forth in the Eclipse Public License, v. 2.0 are satisfied: GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version, with the GNU Classpath Exception which is available at