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Grader Script

The grader script, tools/, simplifies the grading process by: (1) organizing the students' submissions and downloading student information for convenience, (2) running a unit test in batch for all students or for an individual student and optionally generating a grade report, and (3) uploading grades with the test report attached as a comment on each student's submission. Additionally, the script provides several options to facilitate debugging.

The University of Texas at Austin uses the Canvas learning management system, so the grader script leverages the Canvas API. To the best of my knowledge, this script should work with Canvas at other institutes and can be adapted to use other learning management systems.


  1. Get a Canvas API key by going to your account settings page on Canvas (i.e. https://<INSTITUTE> and then clicking the 'New Access Token' button. The API key, which is a large string of characters, must remain private, so ensure that it's not accidentally pushed to Github or accessible by others elsewhere!
  2. Determine the Course ID number by navigating to the course home page on Canvas. The Course ID number will be in the URL (i.e. https://<INSTITUTE><COURSE_ID>).
  3. Create a .env file in the tools directory with the following format:
  1. Install the python-dotenv and canvasapi Python packages through pip.


The script, located at tools/ provides three modes:

  1. prepare: Extract the submission zip file (usually when downloaded directly from Canvas), organize the files into directories for each student, and create an INFO.json file, which contains student information such as EID, in each student's directory.
  2. grade: Grade one or all of the submissions and optionally generate a grade report file.
  3. upload: Upload grades to Canvas and attach the test report as a comment on each student's submission.

The script must be run from the same directory that the .env file is saved, which is recommended to be the tools directory.

Prepare Mode

The purpose of Prepare Mode is to organize the submission zip file, which can be downloaded directly from the assignment page on Canvas and contains each student's submissions, into a file structure that is more conducive to grading.

The submission zip file contains a flat structure of *.asm or *.bin files with a Canvas-specific naming convention for the files. Running this mode: (1) creates a directory for each student based on their Canvas ID number, (2) renames the submission file to the name provided to the script, and (3) creates an INFO.json file in each student's directory.

Full operation of Prepare Mode is as follows:

usage: python prepare [OPTIONS]

  --file=FILE      [Required] File name of assignment
  --zip=ZIP        [Required] Path to zip file downloaded from Canvas
  --root=DIR       [Default="submissions"] Path to output directory

Important Note: Canvas marks late submissions by appending LATE to the submission file name. Prepare Mode does not retain this information, so the grader script will grade submissions irrespective of their submission time. It is up to the instructor to manually enter a 0 in the grade report or on Canvas if a submission is deemed late.


Assume that 2 students, Jane Doe and Chirag Sakhuja, have submitted an assignment to Canvas corresponding to the sample assignment in the unit test document. First, the instructor should go to the assignment page and download submissions. We will assume the downloaded file is called and is also stored in the tools directory. Prepare Mode may be run as follows from the tools directory:

python prepare --file=tutorial_sol.asm --root=tutorial_submissions

Extracting may result in the following two files:


After running Prepare Mode, the following directory structure will be produced:

|- 4768371
   |- INFO.json
   |- tutorial_sol.asm
|- 4769143
   |- INFO.json
   |- tutorial_sol.asm

And INFO.json for Chirag Sakhuja will contain something similar to:

{"name": "Sakhuja, Chirag", "eid": "cs84292", "id": "4769143"}

Grade Mode

Ensure that the submission directory has been prepared by Prepare Mode.

Grade Mode performs grading and is the most commonly used mode in the grader script. At a high level, Grade Mode simply automates invocations to the specified unit test. However, this mode provides several useful features in the context of an instructor grading assignments for a class.

Full operation of Grade Mode is as follows:

usage: python grade [OPTIONS]

  --file=FILE      [Required] File name of assignment
  --tester=TESTER  [Required] Path to unit test binary
  --root=DIR       [Default="submissions"] Path to prepared directory
  --eid=EID        [Optional] EID (when grading a single student's assignment)
  --passargs=ARGS  [Optional] Space-delimited string of arguments to pass into unit test
  --dryrun         [Optional] Do not update the grade report file


Grading can either be performed in batch mode or solo mode (e.g. when looking into a single student's submission). In either case, simply provide the --file and --tester arguments. To grade a single student's assignment, additionally provide the --eid argument with the student's EID.

Additionally, Grade Mode supports the --passargs argument, which can be used to pass arguments, which are outlined in the CLI document, directly into the unit test. This may be useful in batch mode for debugging purposes or to display explicit grader messages (i.e. --tester-verbose) for all students. This may also be useful in solo mode, such as to get detailed runtime information with the --sim-print-level argument, which would otherwise require a manual invocation of the unit test.

All output from the unit test is redirected into files in the student's submission directory. Standard output is redirected to <FILE>.out.txt, and standard error is redirected to <FILE>.err.txt.

Grade Report

By default, Grade Mode produces tab-separated grade report file called REPORT.tsv, which is stored in the root directory and contains four columns: full name, EID, Canvas ID, and grade. When running in batch mode, the entirety of REPORT.tsv is replaced with the results of the run. When running in solo mode, only that student's grade is updated in the report. In either case, to avoid the grade report from being updated, supply the --dryrun argument.


Continuing from the example from the previous section, we now wish to grade the batch of submissions. To do so, simply run the following command from tools:

python grade --file=tutorial_sol.asm --tester=../build/bin/tutorial --root=tutorial_submissions

REPORT.tsv may look like the following:

Doe, Jane	jd57293	4768371	100.0
Sakhuja, Chirag	cs84292	4769143	0.0

Hold on, Chirag wasn't expected to get a 0! This warrants some closer examination, so re-run just his submission to get more detailed information. Since this is just for debugging purposes, there's no need to update the grade report. Run the following command:

python grade --file=tutorial_sol.asm --tester=../build/bin/tutorial --root=tutorial_submissions --eid=cs84292 --dryrun --passargs='--sim-print-level=9 --asm-print-level=9'

The updated output files, tutorial_submissions/4769143/tutorial_sol.asm.out.txt and tutorial_submissions/4769143/tutorial_sol.asm.err.txt now contain a wealth of useful information to help with debugging. See the debugging document for tips on how to debug.

Assume that Chirag made a silly mistake and has resubmitted his assignment. Manually replace tutorial_sol.asm with the updated file and then run the grader script again without the --dryrun and --passargs arguments.

Upload Mode

Ensure that Grade Mode has completed for the entire submission directory and that REPORT.tsv exists and is accurate.

The purpose of Upload Mode is to upload grades and test reports (i.e. <FILE>.out.txt) to Canvas. It is highly recommended that the assignment grades are muted on Canvas before running Upload Mode. Similar to Grade Mode, Upload Mode can update all students' grades or just a single student's grade on Canvas. This mode requires an additional argument: the case-sensitive, whitespace-sensitive name of the assignment on Canvas.

Full operation of Upload Mode is as follows:

usage: python upload [OPTIONS]

  --file=FILE              [Required] File name of assignment
  --assignment=ASSIGNMENT  [Required] Exact name of assignment on Canvas
  --root=DIR               [Default="submissions"] Path to prepared directory
  --eid=EID                [Optional] EID (when updataing a single student's grade)


The final step in the example from the previous sections is to upload grades and reports to Canvas. To do so, run the following command:

python upload --file=tutorial_sol.asm --assignment='Tutorial Assignment' --root=tutorial_submissions

If a submission needs to be regraded, then run Grade Mode without --dryrun and then run Upload Mode with --eid argument.

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