You can use this module to install Abiquo components in a CentOS machine.
Abiquo components will be selected by assigning specific classes to a node's manifest.
Depends on:
- puppetlabs/apache
- puppetlabs/concat
- puppetlabs/stdlib
- puppetlabs/firewall
- spiette/selinux
- thias/sysctl
#Notice on JCE
Since version 3.1, Abiquo requires Oracle's Java Cryptography Extensions to enctypt stored credentials. Since we cannot redistribute them, you need to manually download them and put jar files in files/jce
Starting with 3.2, Abiquo requires Java 1.8.0, so you need to create different dictories for each Java version.
Resulting tree should look like:
|-- files
| |-- jce
| |-- 7
| | |-- local_policy.jar
| | |-- US_export_policy.jar
| |
| |-- 8
| |-- local_policy.jar
| |-- US_export_policy.jar
|-- lib
Note: Missing those files will result on failed puppet run even if you are installing Abiquo < 3.1.
#Available components
This is the base class. Its only purpose is to be able to define a different Abiquo version to setup. It defaults to the last publicly available version of Abiquo.
class { 'abiquo':
abiquo_version => "3.4",
upgrade_packages => false,
gpgcheck => true,
gpgkeys = "http://mirror.abiquo.com/RPM-GPG-KEY-Abiquo
baserepo => "http://myrepo/packages/",
rollingrepo => "http://myrepo/updates/"
- abiquo_version a string denoting a major version of Abiquo (ie. 2.4, 2.6, etc. Not 2.4.1, 2.4.2, etc.).
- upgrade_packages boolean determinig wether or not Abiquo packages will be updated or not.
- gpgcheck boolean determinig wether or not Abiquo yum repositories will validate GPG signatures on packages.
- gpgkeys YUM GPG keys to verify Abiquo packages signatures.
- baserepo a URL if you want to use a custom yum repo for base packages.
- rollingrepo a URL if you want to use a custom yum repo for development version of RPM packages.
##Abiquo API
The Abiquo API class includes the API itself and the M webapp for events and outbound API.
class { 'abiquo::api':
secure => true,
proxy => false,
proxyhost => '',
install_db => true,
install_rabbit => true,
install_redis => true,
db_url => '',
db_user => 'root',
db_pass => ''
- secure determines wether SSL will be set up or not.
- proxy determines if Abiquo will be acessed thorugh a reverse proxy. Sets a tomcat connector on port 8011 for that matter.
- proxyhost the reverse proxy FQDN which should be written in API reponses.
- install_db boolean that determines if the MariaDB or MySQL server will be installed.
- install_rabbit boolean that determines if the RabbitMQ server will be installed.
- install_redis boolean that determines if the Redis server will be installed.
- db_url If not using local database, specifies the IP and port of the MySQL server in the form
. If this parameter has a value, local database will not be installed. - db_user The user used to connect to the MariaDB server.
- db_pass The password for the aforementioned user.
##Abiquo client
Client class installs the flex client app for 2.6 or the ui webapp for 2.8+
class { 'abiquo::client':
secure = true,
self_signed = true,
ssl_cert = '/etc/pki/tls/certs/localhost.crt',
ssl_key = '/etc/pki/tls/private/localhost.key',
ssl_certs_dir = '',
ui_custom = {},
api_address = '',
api_endpoint = '',
proxy_timeout = 600,
servername = $::fqdn,
am_proxy = []
- secure determines wether SSL will be set up or not in Apache server hosting the UI webapp (2.8+).
- self_signed determines wether SSL will use a self signed certificate. If not, you should define the path to your cert.
- ssl_cert The path to your SSL certificate file.
- ssl_key The path to the private key file for your cert.
- ssl_certs_dir The path where the certificate files are located.
- ui_custom From Abiquo 3.4, this hash will be set as the custom client config file.
- api_address is the IP address set as Apache proxy destination for Abiquo 3.2 or earlier.
- api_endpoint is the IP address to set as
in UI's config file for Abiquo 3.2 or earlier. - proxy_timeout is the timeout value for Apache proxy directive for AM.
- servername The
directive to be used in Apache vhost file. - am_proxy Is an array of
directives for theapache::vhost
object, in case you need to add vHosts to serve Abiquo AM on a distributed installation. Example:
class { 'abiquo::client':
ui_custom => {
'config.endpoint' => "https://$::ipaddress_eth1/api"
am_proxy => [
{ 'path' => '/am-rs', 'url' => '' },
{ 'path' => '/am-mono', 'url' => '' },
##Abiquo remote services
This class installs and configures all the remote services needed to run a datacenter or public cloud regin in Abiquo.
class { 'abiquo::remoteservice':
rstype => 'publiccloud',
install_redis => true,
- rstype determines the type of RS that will be setup. It can be
will install all webapps for both thedatacenter
options). - install_redis boolean that determines if the Redis server will be installed.
##Abiquo V2V
As it is advisable to set up V2V services in a separate machine from the RS server, this class will install the V2V module in a standalone server.
class { 'abiquo::v2v': }
This class does not take parameters. You can also set any of its properties using the property resource.
##Abiquo KVM
Sets up the KVM cloud node.
class { 'abiquo::kvm':
redis_host => '',
redis_port => 6379,
aim_port => 8889,
aim_repository => '/opt/vm_repository',
aim_datastore => '/var/lib/virt',
autobackup => false,
autorestore => false,
- redis_host Address of the Redis server where to report events (Pre 3.x).
- redis_port Port of the Redis server where to report events (Pre 3.x).
- aim_port TCP port to where the AIM server will be listening. Defaults to
. - aim_repository Directory where the VM repository is mounted. Defaults to
. - aim_datastore Datastore directory. Defaults to
. - autobackup boolean that determines if the undeployed VMs will be backed up. Defaults to
. - autorestore boolean that determines if the deployed VMs will be restored from backup. Defaults to
Installs Cassandra 2.0 and KairosDB to be used as metrics backend for Abiquo.
class { 'abiquo::monitoring': }
This class does not take parameters.
Installs the Zookeeper server used to synchronize distributed APIs.
class { 'abiquo::zookeeper': }
This class does not take parameters. You can also set any of its properties using the property resource.
##Abiquo properties
The base Abiquo class provides a custom type that allows to set the values for each property defined in Abiquo wiki
To set a property, you must make sure it is defined before the class that will use it.
abiquo::property { "some.property":
value => "somevalue"
Note Specifying the property abiquo.appliancemanager.repositoryLocation
will automatically setup the mount of the repository. For more
- propname is optional and defults to the resource title. It specifies the property name you want to set.
- value is the value of the property you want to set.
Note The section
parameter has been removed in the latest release. The module will omit it if defined.
##Monolithic install
class { 'abiquo': }
class { 'abiquo::api': }
class { 'abiquo::client': }
class { 'abiquo::remoteservice': }
class { 'abiquo::v2v': }
##Server only (API and GUI)
class { 'abiquo': }
class { 'abiquo::api': }
class { 'abiquo::client': }
##Remote services for Public cloud regions
You will probably need to set the Rabbit IP address in the RS properties file:
abiquo::property{ 'abiquo.rabbitmq.host': value => "IP_ADDRESS_OF_API_SERVER", section => "remote-services" }
class { 'abiquo': }
class { 'abiquo::remoteservice': }
##Remote services for in premises datacenter
Again, you will need to set some properties (Note, the module will not ensure the repository is mounted):
abiquo::property{ 'abiquo.appliancemanager.localRepositoryPath': value => "/opt/vm_repository/", section => "remote-services" }
abiquo::property{ 'abiquo.appliancemanager.repositoryLocation': value => "", section => "remote-services" }
abiquo::property{ 'abiquo.rabbitmq.host': value => "IP_ADDRESS_OF_API_SERVER", section => "remote-services" }
class { 'abiquo': }
class { 'abiquo::remoteservice': rstype => 'datacenter' }