There is a big hype about front-end frameworks all over the place. But what if we could build components without the need to reach out for big players like React,Vue and Angular?
Turns out, this is a totally possible thing to do and it is quite easy using StencilJs
Not only that we can build components which we can use in vanilla HTML, JS and CSS projects, but also creating components which we can also reuse with frameworks like React, Vue and Angular.
So the goal of this project is to exactly showcase that
Have a look at our file where we explain
- How to contribute?
- Request new Web Components using Github's issues
- How to create a new web component the right way with StencilJs?
- Typescript vs. Javascript
- Git Workflow
- Local project setup
- Creating Prs
This project hosts a deployed version right here on Github.
On each merge into the main branch, the awesome Github Action github-pages-deploy-action takes care of deploying the static files to the gh-pages branch.
The goal of this project is, to the goal of this project is to showcase what we can do with web components and eventually to create a component library which we can host on npm.
Our project team contains members from the zero-to-mastery community.
This project was bootstrapped with StencilJs.