Nmap-monitor is a simple Python script that uses nmap to scans a CIDR range, records results and notifies a webhook of changes. It requires Nmap to installed in on the underlying system.
I wrote it because my base level Shodan would only monitor 16 IPs, and well I figured it wouldn't be too hard to setup a script and crontab for.
- Scans the passed in range using the underlying systems nmap with the options: --max-rtt-timeout 100ms -vv -sS
- Opens the filename passed in to get previous results
- Compares the current and previous results
- Alerts a passed in web hook for new or removed port/IP combos
- Saves the current scan as the previous for next time in the passed in filename
I set it up on RPI with a crontab. Please note if run from normal user it will prompt for sudo. So if running on Crontab, use root to avoid disapointment.
00 23 * * * root cd /home/user/code/python/nmap-monitor/ && python /home/user/code/python/nmap-monitor/nmapmonitor.py
- name: nmap-monitor.py
- Usage: python nmap-monitor.py [params]
- Params:
- -t | range for scan e.g.
- -f | filename for file that holds/will hold previous scan results
- -w | notification webhook URL
- certifi==2022.12.7
- charset-normalizer==3.1.0
- idna==3.4
- python-nmap==0.7.1
- requests==2.28.2
- urllib3==1.26.15
I don't imagine anyone else will use this... but if they do MIT License.