#Scalene Case 3
###Use case: Move Applications to Cloud MEAN version of "Scalene Expense Manager" application available for deploying in Helion Stackato environment.
##Sub-projects ###Scalene server Branch name: server
####Deploy instructions
stackto target
stackato login
stackato push
###Scalene client Branch name: ui
####Deploy instructions
stackto target
stackato login
stackato push --no-prompt --env SERVER_URI='[scalene-server-uri]'
###Scalene mobile Branch name: mobile
Node.js application representing how Scalene Expense Manager can be implemented for mobile phones.
####Deploy instructions
- Use "PROVIDER" environment variable to configure provider title
- Push to stackato.
###DB data Branch name: dbdata
Application that populates Scalene db with data.
####Deploy instructions
- Open manifest.yml.
- Update IMAGE_SERVER_URL so it will point to your stackato scalene server deployment.
- Make sure that mongo db service has the same name as for the scalene server
- Deploy data to stackato
- Server will connect to mongo and deploy data
- Delete dbdata server from stackato
###Scalene .NET Branch name: net
Demo showing how to deploy and run .net applications in stackato.
####Deploy instructions
- Go to the PublicBinaries folder.
- Run
stackato push -n --stack win2012r2 --buildpack dotnet
- Use "Provider" environment variable to configure provider title
- Use "CaseServer" to specify the back-end server
- All configuration parameters are available in the web.config file
###Scalene Python Branch name: python
####Deploy instructions
Log in to the docker hub
sudo docker login
Create docker image
sudo docker build --no-cache -t ashemyakin/case-3-python .
Upload image to the docker hub
sudo docker push ashemyakin/case-3-python
Upload docker to stackato
stackato push --no-prompt --docker-image ashemyakin/case-3-python --as case-3-python-docker \
--env PROVIDER='stackato_python' \
--env MYSQL_HOST='' \
--env MYSQL_USER='hpsa' \
--env MYSQL_PASS='demo' \
--env MYSQL_PORT='3306' \
--env MYSQL_DB='hpsa_demo'