The SimpleKnx Library allows access to the KNX bus from an Ardunio board.
Beside of an ardunio I use two components:
- Siemens 5WG1 117-2AB12
- ADUM2101
Siemens 5WG1 117-2AB12
/ a ooooo \
| b ooooo |
| 12345 |
| |
| KNX |
-| |+
Pegelwandler ADUM1201
V1 o .-----. o V2
A0 o | | o A1
B1 o | | o B0
G1 o `-----´ o G2
Siem 5WG1 ADUM1201
a1 +5V -> V2
a2 -> A1
a4 -> B0
a5 GND -> G2
a3 and all b not used
ADUM2101 Arduino
V1 -> VCC
A0 -> RXD
B1 -> TXD
G1 -> GND
#include "Arduino.h"
#include <DebugUtil.h>
#include <SimpleKnx.h>
#define DEVICE_ADDRESS P_ADDR(1, 1, 12)
#define KNX_SERIAL Serial
word SimpleKnx_::_groupAddressList[] = {
G_ADDR(1,1,1), ...
const byte SimpleKnx_::_groupAddressListSize = sizeof (_groupAddressList) / sizeof (word);
void setup() {
void loop() {
// make sure to call this often enough
// this callback will be executed for every telegram matching
// the _groupAddressList specified at the top.
void telegramEventCallback(KnxTelegram telegram) {
... do something with the telegram ...
byte command = telegram.getCommand();
bool value = telegram.getBool();
byte value = telegram.get2BitIntValue();
byte value = telegram.get4BitIntValue();
byte value = telegram.get1ByteIntValue();
int value = telegram.get2ByteIntValue();
float value = telegram.get2ByteFloatValue();
float value = telegram.get4ByteFloatValue();
void writeTelegram() {
... send a telegram ...
SimpleKnx.groupWriteBool(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite2BitIntValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite4BitIntValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite1ByteIntValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite2ByteIntValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite4ByteIntValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite2ByteFloatValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
SimpleKnx.groupWrite4ByteFloatValue(true, G_ADDR(1,1,1), value);
For a full example the SimpleKnxTest in the example folder.
My arduinos only have one serial port, so I used SoftwareSerial to emulate a second serial port on pins 8 and 9. The debug code is only included when using -DDEBUGGING_0 .. -DDEBUGGING_5 compile options to save around 4 kb space. I could not find a way to change compiler options with ArdunioIDE, so I switched to Eclipse Sloeber, which seems to be more advanced.
This library is released under the GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3 license, for more information, check the LICENSE file.
Parts of this library are based on the KonnektingDeviceLibrary.