Just a job assignment exercise.
To see the output of jacoco go to target/site/jacoco-ut/index.html
mvn clean test (runs unit tests only and creates jacoco test coverage report)
mvn clean verify -P integration-test (runs integration tests only)
mvn clean verify -P all-tests (runs unit tests and creates jacoco test coverage for them, and then runs integration tests)
in order to run mutation for unit tests, execute: org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage and see the output in the dir: target/pit-reports/YYYYMMDDHHMI/index.html
- Maven Compiler Plugin (is used to compile the sources of your project)
- Jacoco Plugin (in order to generate test coverage reports for unit tests)
- Maven Surefire Plugin (in order to run unit tests)
- Maven Failsafe Plugin (in order to run integration tests)
- Embedded Tomcat Plugin (in order to run integration tests)
- Pitest Plugin http://pitest.org/ (in order to run mutation for unit tests)
- Spring Web Mvc
- Spring Core
- Spring Beans
- Spring Context
- Spring Web
- Spring Integration
- Jackson Databind
- Jackson Core
- Lombok
- JUnit
- Hamcrest
- Mockito Core
- Spring Test
- Pitest