Rack::FaradayInspector renders a bit of HTML at the bottom of your pages that allows you to inspect all of the HTTP requests Faraday made during the current Rails action.
It's like your browser's developer tools network view, but for your backend API requests.
Currently only supports Rails and requires jQuery.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rack-faraday_inspector', github: 'chrisb/rack-faraday_inspector'
I'm still actively working on this Gem, so pull from GitHub.
In order to instrument and show Faraday requests, you'll need to add the middleware to your connection:
Faraday.new url: 'http://www.sushi.com' do |faraday|
faraday.use :inspector
# ...
By default the inspector web UI is disabled. To enable the inspector, add the following to an initializer, or better yet, to the specific Rails environment configurations that you want to enable the inspector for:
i.e. in config/environments/development.rb
Rails.application.configure do
# ...
Rack::FaradayInspector.enabled = true
Or in something like config/initializers/faraday_inspector.rb
Rack::FaradayInspector.enabled = Rails.env.development?
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/chrisb/rack-faraday_inspector.