I'm creating this as an example project of to actually get expo, yarn, typescript, lerna, and yarn workspaces to all work together correctly.
I'm sure, like so many others, you want to create a monto repo using expo and typescript, but no matter what you do,
you can't get expo to work the moment include it in your mono repo. And you may have even found the documentation on
how to use expo-yarn-workspaces
. But even
after following all the instructions to the letter it still doesn't work. If all of this, or some of this is true, then
you are just like me and dealing with the same issues I did.
But have no fear. Here is the quick and dirty instructions, that aren't clear in the expo instructions.
NOTICE! - If you want to build from scratch by yourself you'll have to do work (Yes I know, it sucks). Or you canjust clone this already built repo and call it a day
If you are hardcore about figuring out what I did, here are the steps:
The primary purpose of the Root Packager is to house all the other micro projects you embed - and then make it easy for you to connect packages to eacthother
mkdir my-expo-ts-mono-repo && cd my-expo-ts-mono-repo
yarn init -y
"name": "my-expo-ts-mono-repo",
"version": "1.0.0",
"license": "MIT",
"private": true,
"scripts ": {
"ios": "lerna run ios --scope=@app/mobile --stream --",
"android": "lerna run android --scope=@app/mobile --stream --"
"workspaces": ["packages/*", "tools/expo-yarn-workspaces"],
"devDependencies": {
"expo-yarn-workspaces": "^1.1.0",
"lerna": "^3.13.1",
"typescript": "^3.3.4000"
# inside of your root folder
svn export https://github.com/expo/expo/trunk/packages/expo-yarn-workspaces ./tools/expo-yarn-workspaces
Expo hasn't pushed the latest version of this package. You can't get [email protected] so you have to clone and copy this over into your project manually
// Note that we already have these in the ./package.json file
// and
"expo-yarn-workspaces": "^1.1.0",
// So you don't have to do anything more here.
# inside of your root folder
mkdir packages && cd packages
expo init mobile
# when it asks you - name your poject whatever you like
# follow the instructions and let it create your app inside of the packages folder
# your project folder should be `mobile` if it's not, then change it!
alert "you should read this!" # ha just checking
** Your expo package.json file shoul look a little like this (but not as abbreviated) **
"name": "mobile", // <-- change this
"main": "__generated__/AppEntry.js", // <-- change this
"version": "0.1.0", // <-- add this
"scripts": {
//... dont touch the above scripts
"postinstall": "expo-yarn-workspaces postinstall" // <-- add this
"dependencies": {
//... don't touch these
"devDependencies": {
//... don't touch these
"private": true // <-- add or verify this
const { createReactNativeConfiguration } = require('expo-yarn-workspaces')
module.exports = createReactNativeConfiguration(__dirname)
"packagerOpts": {
"config": "rn-cli.config.js"
so it should look like ...
"expo": {
// ... a bunch of stuff
"packagerOpts": {
"config": "rn-cli.config.js"
create file lerna.json in root directory
"packages": ["packages/*"],
"version": "independent",
"npmClient": "yarn",
"useWorkspaces": true
workspaces-experimental true
yarn install
Now you can update your expo app to work typescript.
# insdie ./packages/expo/
# move all your source files into a `src` folder
# then run (this will convert all your js and jsx files to ts and tsx)
npx js-to-ts-converter ./src/**/* # this kind of works. I basically do this by hand (yes it sucks)
# make sure to change all .js that have react components to .tsx
rm babel.config.js # we don't need this anymore