Deployment of Servers for training purpose
This project creates (and delete) Linux Server in its own isolated VPC in AWS. The output provides DNS Names and IP addresses.
- An SSH Public Key
Define all the Values in terraform.tfvars as shown in terraform.tfvars.example
If you don't want to use DNS Names with Route 53 but only IP, delete the following file:
Otherwise you will need:
- A zone ID for your DNS Zone in Route 53
Optional to store terraform states in S3:
- copied from
ipv6=false doesn't work yet in current version Bug Issue 688:
- Create terraform.tfvars from terraform.tfvars.example
- (optional) Create from
- terraform init
- (optional) terraform workspace new <workspace_name>
- terraform apply
- terraform destroy
- (optional) terraform workspace delete <workspace_name>
You can use inline vars to overide terraform.tfvars and deploy in a different region
- terraform workspace new paris
- terraform apply -var vpcname='VPN-Paris' -var region='eu-west-3' -var hostname=''
- terraform destroy -var vpcname='VPN-Paris' -var region='eu-west-3' -var hostname=''
- terraform workspace delete paris