Library that provides interfaces and corresponding wrappers for system classes to allow faking them.
For current change log/work in progress see Changelog.
- System
- AppDomain
- Console
- DateTime
- Environment
- Version
- System.Collections
- NameValueCollection
- System.Configuration
- Configuration
- ConfigurationManager
- ConfigurationSection[Collection]
- ConfigurationSectionGroup[Collection]
- ConfigurationLocation[Collection]
- ConfigurationLockCollection
- KeyValueConfigurationCollection
- KeyValueConfigurationElement
- AppSettingsSection
- ConnectionStringsSection
- ContextInformation
- ElementInformation
- PropertyInformationCollection
- PropertyInformation
- ProtectedConfigurationProvider
- System.Diagnostics
- Debug
- Trace
- Process
- ProcessStartInfo
- Stopwatch
- System.IO
- BinaryReader
- BinaryWriter
- Directory
- DirectoryInfo
- File
- FileInfo
- FileStream
- FileSystemWatcher
- MemoryStream
- Path
- Stream
- StreamReader
- StreamWriter
- TextReader
- TextWriter
- DeflateStream
- System.Reflection
- Assembly
- AssemblyName
- Type
- System.Threading
- Thread
- System.Xml
- XAttribute
- XCData
- XContainer
- XComment
- XDeclaration
- XDocument
- XDocumentType
- XElement
- XName
- XNamespace
- XNode
- XObject
- XProcessingInstruction
- XStreamingElement
- XText
- XmlDocument
- XmlDocumentFragment
- XmlSerializer
- XmlWriter
- XmlReader
- System.Xml.Schema
- XmlSchema