django-gravatar makes it easy to add Gravatar support to your Django application through the addition of a template tag.
This code was taken from, but it was superseded by the package, which provides a way more general approach to avatars in Django (not Gravatar-specific, with local Django caching).
If, however, you want to stick to a Gravatar-only solution, this package may a bit more "lightweight" and easier to start using.
To install it, use pip:
pip install django-gravatar
To use it with a Django installation, first place 'gravatar' in the
tuple of your file like so:
INSTALLED_APPS = ( # ... 'gravatar', )
Here is sample usage in a template:
{% load gravatar %} {% gravatar_for_user request.user 40 g %}
In the previous example, a gravatar will be displayed for the specified user at a size of 40 pixels square with a rating of 'g'. The second and third arguments are optional and if not supplied the gravatar image will be 80 pixels square, the default gravatar image size, and will carry a rating of 'g', the default gravatar rating.
In addition to supplying a user object, you can also provide a username as a string. For instance:
{% gravatar_for_user 'jtauber' %}
Or by email:
{% gravatar_for_email '[email protected]' %}
It is possible to get the url wrapped in an html img tag:
{% gravatar_img_for_email '[email protected]' %} {% gravatar_img_for_user request.user %} {% gravatar_img_for_user 'jtauber' %}
If you only want the URL and not the full blown ``img`-tag, you can use the following functions:
{% gravatar_for_email '[email protected]' %} {% gravatar_for_user request.user %} {% gravatar_for_user 'jtauber' %}
If you want the gravatar profile in json decoded format, you can use the following functions:
{% gravatar_profile_for_email '[email protected]' %} {% gravatar_profile_for_user request.user %} {% gravatar_profile_for_user 'jtauber' %}
There are a few configuration variables available that you can use in your
- GRAVATAR_URL_PREFIX: The gravatar URL to use. Default:
- GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_IMAGE: The default image to use. Default:
. See - GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_RATING: The default rating to use. Default:
. See - GRAVATAR_DEFAULT_SIZE: The default size to use. Default:
. See - GRAVATAR_IMG_CLASS: The default CSS class name to add to generated
-tags. Default:'gravatar'