Version: 0.0.1-prerelease
This is VERY early days of this project. I would not recommend using this for anything serious at this time.
Table of Contents
This library allows patching and replacing functions in existing modules with your own, effectively turning them into zombies (or zeds) 🧟. This is useful if you need to hook into some existing code that has no other way to be modified.
You don't want to use this library in live production code. Its original intent is to help hook into low-level Erlang operations for testing and experimentation purposes.
Add add Zedex to your mix.exs
def deps do
{:zedex, git: "[email protected]:chriskdon/zedex.git", branch: "main"}
Eventually this will be published to Hex once there is a minimal feature set.
Run mix deps.get
# replace :random.uniform/1 and :random with MyRandom.uniform/1
:ok = Zedex.replace([
{{:random, :uniform, 1}, {MyRandom, :constant_uniform, 1}},
{{:rand, :uniform, 1}, {MyRandom, :constant_uniform, 1}},
:ok = Zedex.replace_with({:random, :uniform, 1}, {MyRandom, :constant_uniform, 1})
# replace :erlang.uniform/1 with anonymous function
:ok = Zedex.replace_with({:random, :uniform, 1}, fn n ->
# reset all modules back to their original versions
:ok = Zedex.reset()
# Replace function calls instead of the function implementation.
# ⚠ Replacing calls is generally not recommended as any changes to the underlying
# code being replaced could break the intended behaviour. It mainly exists to
# replace NIFs and BIFs (e.g. send) that can't normally be hooked into by
# replacing the function directly.
# Replace calls in to
# with ReplacementModule.capture_call/4.
:ok = Zedex.Danger.replace_calls(
{GenServer, :call, 3},
{:gen, :call, 4},
{ReplacementModule, :capture_call, 4}
# or use an anonymous function
:ok = Zedex.Danger.replace_calls(
{GenServer, :call, 3},
{:gen, :call, 4},
fn server, label, msg, timeout ->"#{inspect(self())} sent #{inspect(msg)} to #{inspect(server)}")
# Perform the real call, label, msg, timeout)
Run mix docs --open
for the complete documentation.
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.