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A music 🎡 quiz πŸ™‹ game πŸ•ΉοΈ using buzzer buttons connected to an arduino or raspberry pi or virtual browser buttons via a nodejs gameserver


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Arduino NodeJS Music Quiz Game

🚨⚠️ project is being re-written lot of things might currently be broken

music quiz game logo

A music quiz game using an arduino to record buttons input and nodejs as gameserver

say hello at

Arduino buttons breadboard design

Arduino buttons breadboard design

start development

install git

if you haven't already installed git, do this first

project checkout

if you are reading this you maybe already have a local copy of the project, if not then you can should use git to clone the latest master branch

to do this you need open your command line tool and use the following command to clone ( this project into one of your directories (PROJECT_DIRECTORY_PATH)


now clone the project into that directory

if you are on windows you can also use the github desktop ( or if your use visual studio as IDE you can use the github for visual studio extension (

install github desktop or the visual studio extension, then go to the github open the project main page and click the green "clone or download" button

install Nodejs

if you haven't done this already, install nodejs from (which includes npm, the nodejs package manager)

update npm

to ensure you have the latest version of npm, update npm (, open your command line tool and use the following command

npm install npm@latest -g

to check if you have the latest version type

npm -v

what the latest npm version is can be seen in their package.json

install yarn

get yarn

or check if it the latest version is already installed

!!! we postponed using yarn (use npm instead, see below), because there is a bug when checking out @types packages:


yarn --version

open project directory

go into the project directoy if you haven't already and then into the quizz-game directory


⚠️ Serialport and node-gyp troubleshooting

!!! if you need to compile node-gyp, it is probably because you use the latest nodejs version, if you use the LTS version of nodejs the chance is high you won't have any trouble with node-gyp, so if troubleshooting still fails or takes too much time you might consider just switching to the nodejs LTS version and you will be able to instsall Serialport using a pre built node-gyp without trouble

Serialport is a nodejs addon that needs to get compiled

For the compilation node-gyp is being used

ON WINDOWS: If you don't have Python and Visual Studio installed on windows, node-gyp will fail and hence you won't be able to install the Serialport addon

The node-gyp README recommends to run the following command in a Powershell instance that you have to run as an Administrator to install the required tools

npm install --global --production windows-build-tools

After this installing the dependencies should work, if it doesn't please check out the nodejs documentation about compiling addons and if it still doen't work open a ticket

ON LINUX & MAC: For other operating systems check out the node-gyp README

install the development dependencies using yarn

use yarn to fetch all the dependencies and put them into the node_modules directory

yarn install

!!! we postponed using yarn (use npm instead, see below), because there is a bug when checking out @types packages:


install the development dependencies using npm

use npm to fetch all the dependencies

npm install

This will fetch all the dependencies from that are listed in the project package.json and put them into a directory called node_modules

!!! If you want to install the dependencies from within a Virtual Machine with a Linux operating system, but your shared folder is in windows then user "npm install --no-bin-link" (as windows does not support symlinks)

install gulp-cli globally

npm install gulp-cli -g

install sass and ruby

download and install ruby:

!!! if on windows: while installing ruby, check the box "add ruby to the windows path"

now install sass:

gem install sass

and / or to check if sass is installed, type:

sass -v

add new dependencies (node_modules)

first to check the available package versions use

npm view <package_name> versions

choose the latest version (this is for a prototype latest is ok) and install it

if it's a dependency needed by the project to work, we use save so that it also gets added to the dependencies property of our package.json

use the @ after the package name, to define the version you want to install

npm install <package_name>@<version> --save

if it's a dependency only used during development use "--save-dev" so that it gets added to the devDependencies property of our package.json

npm install <package_name>@<version> --save-dev

create a configuration file

open the server directory and copy the file configuration_example.ts, then rename it to configuration.ts

edit the configuration file and add your own values

the deezerProfileId is the id of the user profile you want the playlists to be fetched from by default (it can be any existing deezer account, it just needs to have some public playlists)

if you don't have a deezer account yet, create one and add some playlists (at least one), then puts it's ID in the configuration file

build the project

to build the project (create js files from ts source files, copies files, ...), type

gulp build

rebuild in realtime

while developing I recommend you enable gulp watch to ensure typescript and sass files get re-compiled on each time you save

gulp watch

start the server

node ./build/server

build the docs (project website on github pages)

to build the project website (on github pages), type

gulp build-docs

Initial project setup

check out the file


Source code licensed under MIT

Logo, design, project name, domain name copyright (c) chris weber 2017


Designed by the awesome people at Tubik Studio


A music 🎡 quiz πŸ™‹ game πŸ•ΉοΈ using buzzer buttons connected to an arduino or raspberry pi or virtual browser buttons via a nodejs gameserver








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Contributors 3
