The project aims to create a website that uses a movie database and provides services to allow a user to be able to log in and search movies by various different constraints.
This will be done using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and MySQL. These are the languages that will be used to create this site. HTML - Setting the webiste out and creating the components that will be used. CSS - Styling the HTML to create a professional evniroment. JavaScript - Front end validation on any search terms. PHP - All actions in back end such as sanatizing data, encrypt/decrypt data, sorting data and running queries. MySQl - Used to access the database and retreve data to be used on the site.
To be able to run this website for your computer you first must download xamp with is a virtual apache server: Link here -
Once you have done this clone the repository and add it to the HTDocs folder. You can then import the database which can be found from this link in the google drive: Link to DB -