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fix: add frameshift and extension conditional branch to indel and rel…
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nokara26 committed Sep 10, 2024
1 parent af8ddc9 commit 69ee8aa
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Showing 3 changed files with 163 additions and 27 deletions.
105 changes: 79 additions & 26 deletions src/varity/vcf_to_hgvs/protein.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,22 @@
alt-positions (set (range pos (inc end-pos)))]
(boolean (seq (s/intersection ter-site-positions alt-positions)))))

(defn- ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end?
[{:keys [strand cds-start cds-end]} pos ref alt]
(let [[del _ offset _] (diff-bases ref alt)
pos (+ pos offset)
ndel (count del)
ter-start-pos (if (= strand :forward)
(- cds-end 2)
(+ cds-start 2))
ter-end-pos (if (= strand :forward)
pos-end (+ pos (if (= ndel 0) 0 (dec ndel)))]
(if (= strand :forward)
(and (= pos ter-start-pos) (<= ter-end-pos pos-end))
(and (= pos-end ter-start-pos) (<= pos ter-end-pos)))))

(defn- ter-site-same-pos?
[ref-prot-seq alt-prot-seq]
(let [ter-site-pos (dec (count ref-prot-seq))]
Expand All @@ -182,11 +198,29 @@
(< cds-end pos)
(<= (inc cds-end) pos pos-end))))

(defn- cds-variant?
[cds-start cds-end pos ref alt]
(let [[del _ offset _] (diff-bases ref alt)
ndel (count del)
pos (+ pos offset)
pos-end (+ pos (if (= ndel 0) 0 (dec ndel)))]
(if (is-insertion-variant? ref alt)
(and (< cds-start pos) (<= pos cds-end))
(<= cds-start pos pos-end cds-end))))

(defn- utr-variant?
[cds-start cds-end pos ref alt]
(or (cds-start-upstream? cds-start pos ref alt)
(cds-end-downstream? cds-end pos ref alt)))

(defn- frameshift-within-cds?
[{:keys [cds-start cds-end]} pos ref alt]
(let [[del ins _ _] (diff-bases ref alt)
ndel (count del)
nins (count ins)]
(and (cds-variant? cds-start cds-end pos ref alt)
(not= 0 (rem (abs (- ndel nins)) 3)))))

(defn- get-alt-cds-start-pos
[cds-start pos-start pos-end exon-ranges pos*]
(let [[_ exon-end] (first (filter (fn [[s e]] (<= s pos* e)) exon-ranges))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -246,6 +280,8 @@
ref-cds-exon-seq (exon-sequence ref-cds-seq cds-start cds-end exon-ranges)
ref-include-utr-ini-site-boundary (include-utr-ini-site-boundary? rg pos ref alt)
ref-include-ter-site (include-ter-site? rg pos ref alt)
ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end (ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end? rg pos ref alt)
frameshift-within-cds (frameshift-within-cds? rg pos ref alt)
alt-seq (common/alt-sequence ref-seq tx-start pos ref alt)
alt-exon-ranges* (alt-exon-ranges exon-ranges pos ref alt)
apply-offset* (partial apply-offset pos ref alt cds-start cds-end exon-ranges)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -283,6 +319,8 @@
:tx-end alt-tx-end))
:ref-include-utr-ini-site-boundary ref-include-utr-ini-site-boundary
:ref-include-ter-site ref-include-ter-site
:ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end
:frameshift-within-cds frameshift-within-cds
:utr-variant (utr-variant? cds-start cds-end pos ref alt)})))

(defn- protein-position
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -335,7 +373,8 @@

(defn- ->protein-variant
[{:keys [strand] :as rg} pos ref alt
{:keys [ref-exon-seq ref-prot-seq alt-exon-seq alt-rg ref-include-ter-site utr-variant] :as seq-info}
{:keys [ref-exon-seq ref-prot-seq alt-exon-seq alt-rg ref-include-ter-site
ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end utr-variant] :as seq-info}
{:keys [prefer-deletion? prefer-insertion? prefer-extension-for-initial-codon-alt?]}]
(:overlap-exon-intron-boundary seq-info)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -376,7 +415,9 @@
t (cond
(= (+ base-ppos offset) (count ref-prot-seq)) (if (= "" pref-only palt-only)
ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end :frame-shift
(= (+ base-ppos offset) (count ref-prot-seq)) (if (and (= "" pref-only palt-only)
(ter-site-same-pos? ref-prot-seq alt-prot-seq*))
(= (+ base-ppos offset) 1) (if (or (= ref-prot-rest alt-prot-rest)
Expand All @@ -391,7 +432,7 @@
(= palt (subs pref 0 (count palt))))
(= (first palt-only) \*)) :fs-ter-substitution
ref-include-ter-site :indel
(first-diff-aa-is-ter-site? ppos
(first-diff-aa-is-ter-site? base-ppos
alt-prot-seq*) :extension
:else :frame-shift)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -480,12 +521,15 @@

(defn- protein-frame-shift
[ppos {:keys [ref-prot-seq alt-prot-seq ref-include-utr-ini-site-boundary] :as seq-info}]
(let [{:keys [ppos pref palt]} (get-first-diff-aa-info ppos ref-prot-seq alt-prot-seq)
[_ _ offset _] (diff-bases pref palt)
[ppos {:keys [ref-prot-seq ref-include-utr-ini-site-boundary
ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end] :as seq-info}]
(let [alt-prot-seq* (format-alt-prot-seq seq-info)
{:keys [ppos pref palt]} (get-first-diff-aa-info ppos ref-prot-seq alt-prot-seq*)
[_ _ offset _] (diff-bases (or pref "") (or palt ""))
ppos (if ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end (count ref-prot-seq) ppos)
alt-prot-seq* (format-alt-prot-seq seq-info)
ref (nth ref-prot-seq (dec (+ ppos offset)))
alt (nth alt-prot-seq (dec (+ ppos offset)))
alt (nth alt-prot-seq* (dec (+ ppos offset)))
ter-site (-> seq-info
(subs (dec (+ ppos offset)))
Expand All @@ -511,7 +555,7 @@
(if (and (not= ppos 1)
(ter-site-same-pos? ref-prot-seq c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq))
(let [[_ ins offset _] (diff-bases pref palt)
(let [[_ ins offset _] (diff-bases (or pref "") (or palt ""))
alt-prot-seq* (format-alt-prot-seq seq-info)
ini-site ((comp str first) ref-prot-seq)
first-diff-aa-info (if (= ppos 1)
Expand All @@ -538,40 +582,49 @@

(defn- protein-indel
[ppos pref palt {:keys [ref-prot-seq c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq ref-include-ter-site] :as seq-info}]
(let [[pref palt ppos] (if ref-include-ter-site
(let [{adjusted-ppos :ppos} (get-first-diff-aa-info ppos ref-prot-seq c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq)
ppos (or adjusted-ppos ppos)
get-seq-between-pos-ter-site (fn [seq pos]
(-> (subs seq (dec pos))
(string/split #"\*")
pref (get-seq-between-pos-ter-site ref-prot-seq ppos)
palt (get-seq-between-pos-ter-site c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq ppos)]
[pref palt ppos])
[pref palt ppos])
[del ins offset _] (diff-bases pref palt)
[ppos pref palt {:keys [ref-prot-seq c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq
ref-include-ter-site frameshift-within-cds] :as seq-info}]
(let [[pref* palt* ppos*] (if ref-include-ter-site
(let [{adjusted-ppos :ppos} (get-first-diff-aa-info ppos ref-prot-seq c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq)
ppos (or adjusted-ppos ppos)
get-seq-between-pos-ter-site (fn [seq pos]
(-> (subs seq (dec pos))
(string/split #"\*")
pref (get-seq-between-pos-ter-site ref-prot-seq ppos)
palt (get-seq-between-pos-ter-site c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq ppos)]
[pref palt ppos])
[pref palt ppos])
[del ins offset _] (diff-bases (or pref* "") (or palt* ""))
ndel (count del)
alt-retain-ter-site? (if ref-include-ter-site
(string/includes? (subs c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq (dec ppos)) "*")
(string/includes? (subs c-ter-adjusted-alt-prot-seq (dec ppos*)) "*")
(first-diff-aa-is-ter-site? ppos*
(protein-extension ppos* pref* palt* seq-info)

(protein-frame-shift ppos* seq-info)

(every? empty? [del ins])

(empty? del)
(protein-insertion ppos pref palt seq-info)
(protein-insertion ppos* pref* palt* seq-info)

(empty? ins)
(protein-deletion ppos pref palt)
(protein-deletion ppos* pref* palt*)

(mut/protein-indel (mut/->long-amino-acid (first del))
(coord/protein-coordinate (+ ppos offset))
(coord/protein-coordinate (+ ppos* offset))
(when (> ndel 1)
(mut/->long-amino-acid (last del)))
(when (> ndel 1)
(coord/protein-coordinate (+ ppos offset ndel -1)))
(coord/protein-coordinate (+ ppos* offset ndel -1)))
(->> (seq ins) (map mut/->long-amino-acid)))
Expand Down
53 changes: 53 additions & 0 deletions test/varity/vcf_to_hgvs/protein_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -150,13 +150,49 @@
true? reverse-rg 9 "AACT" "AG"
false? reverse-rg 8 "AG" "A")))

(deftest ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end?-test
(let [cds-start 10
cds-end 21]
(are [p strand pos ref alt] (p (#'prot/ref-include-from-ter-start-and-over-ter-end? {:strand strand
:cds-start cds-start
:cds-end cds-end}
true? :forward 18 "ATAA" "A"
true? :forward 18 "ATAAG" "AGC"
true? :reverse 9 "GTCA" "G"
true? :reverse 8 "CGTCA" "CTG"
false? :forward 18 "A" "T"
false? :forward 19 "T" "TCCCT"
false? :forward 18 "ATA" "A"
false? :reverse 10 "T" "A"
false? :reverse 11 "C" "CATG"
false? :reverse 8 "CGTC" "C")))

(deftest ter-site-same-pos?-test
(are [p ref alt] (p (#'prot/ter-site-same-pos? ref alt))
true? "MTGA*" "MTGA*"
true? "MTGA*" "MTGA*CT"
false? "MTGA*" "MTGAQCT*"
false? "MTGA*" "MTGA"))

(deftest cds-variant?-test
(let [cds-start 10
cds-end 21]
(are [p pos ref alt] (p (#'prot/cds-variant? cds-start cds-end pos ref alt))
true? 10 "A" "A"
true? 10 "A" "ACT"
true? 9 "GATG" "G"
true? 10 "ATG" "AGC"
true? 21 "A" "T"
true? 20 "A" "ATC"
true? 20 "AA" "A"
false? 8 "CGA" "CTT"
false? 9 "C" "CGGT"
false? 20 "AAG" "ATC"
false? 21 "A" "AGC")))

(deftest utr-variant?-test
(let [cds-start 10
cds-end 21]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -185,6 +221,23 @@
false? 20 "GA" "GGCT"
false? 20 "TATA" "TCG")))

(deftest frameshift-within-cds?-test
(let [cds-start 10
cds-end 21]
(are [p pos ref alt] (p (#'prot/frameshift-within-cds? {:cds-start cds-start
:cds-end cds-end}
true? 13 "T" "TC"
true? 15 "AGCTC" "A"
true? 18 "GC" "GGA"
false? 15 "A" "T"
false? 11 "T" "TGCT"
false? 10 "ATGGCTC" "A"
false? 8 "GTATG" "G"
false? 20 "GTAAC" "GCTTA")))

(deftest get-alt-cds-start-pos-test
(let [cds-start 40
exon-ranges [[10 50] [80 120] [150 200]]
Expand Down
32 changes: 31 additions & 1 deletion test/varity/vcf_to_hgvs_test.clj
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -221,8 +221,20 @@
"chr2" 47445589 "CTTACTGAT" "CCC" '("p.L440_D442delinsP" "p.L374_D376delinsP") ; cf. rs63749931 (+)
"chr1" 152111364 "TGC" "TCG" '("p.E617_Q618delinsDE") ; cf. rs35444647 (-)

;; indel include stop codon deletion
;; indel includes stop codon deletion
"p.H1883delinsQLQPATGTEPQDPKNELTKWPFQALGAPLTLQSFYCPG") ; not actual example (-)
"p.H1883delinsRLQPATGTEPQDPKNELTKWPFQALGAPLTLQSFYCPG") ; not actual example (-)
"chr10" 87965467 "GTCT" "G" '("p.V403delinsGIFFYQEG" "p.V576delinsGIFFYQEG" "p.V206delinsGIFFYQEG") ; not actual example (+)
"chr10" 87965464 "AAAGTCT" "A" '("p.K402_V403delinsRIFFYQEG" "p.K575_V576delinsRIFFYQEG" "p.K205_V206delinsRIFFYQEG") ; not actual example (+)
"chr13" 24421120 "TAGC" "T" '("p.G1724delinsEVK") ; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421120 "TAGCCTT" "T" '("p.G1724delinsVK") ; not actual example (-)

;; repeated sequences
"chr1" 47438996 "T" "TCCGCAC" '("p.P286_H287[5]") ; cf. rs3046924 (+)
Expand All @@ -236,6 +248,8 @@
"p.S1415Ifs*2") ;
"chr17" 31261816 "CC" "C" '("p.N1542Tfs*11" "p.N1563Tfs*11") ; cf. rs1555619041 (+)
"chr1" 16138274 "CG" "C" '("p.R327Dfs*66")
"chr3" 149520807 "ACAGC" "A" '("p.W399Cfs*62") ; not actual example (-)

;; initiation site is affected in DNA level but initiation site is not changed in protein level
"chr7" 55019279 "TGC" "T" '("p.R2Tfs*34") ; not actual example (+)
"chr11" 32396363 "C" "CGACCGTACAA" '("p.A170Cfs*6" "p.A153Cfs*6" "p.A365Cfs*6" "p.A382Cfs*6") ; not actual example (-)
Expand All @@ -244,17 +258,33 @@
"chr17" 81537070 "G" "GTA" '("p.W514Cfs*?" "p.W490Cfs*?") ; not actual example (+)
"chr17" 9771493 "CCT" "C" '("p.E310Gfs*?" "p.E311Gfs*?") ; not actual example (-)

;; Frame shift includes termination site deletion
"chr17" 43045679 "CAGTAG" "C" '("p.H758Qfs*16" "p.H1815Qfs*16" "p.H1862Qfs*16" "p.H1883Qfs*16") ;; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421120 "TAGCC" "T" '("p.G1724Kfs*8") ; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421120 "TAGCCT" "T" '("p.G1724Sfs*36") ; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421120 "TAGCCTTG" "T" '("p.Q1723Kfs*8") ; not actual example (-)
"chr10" 87965466 "AGTCT" "A" '("p.V403Efs*12" "p.V576Efs*12" "p.V206Efs*12") ; not actual example (+)
"chr10" 87965465 "AAGTCT" "A" '("p.V403Nfs*17" "p.V576Nfs*17" "p.V206Nfs*17") ; not actual example (+)
"chr10" 87965463 "AAAAGTCT" "A" '("p.K402Efs*12" "p.K575Efs*12" "p.K205Efs*12") ; not actual example (+)

;; Extension
"chr2" 188974490 "A" "C" '("p.M1Lext-23")
"chr2" 189011772 "T" "C" '("p.*1467Qext*45") ; cf. ClinVar 101338
"chr11" 125655318 "TGA" "TAT" '("p.*477Yext*17" "p.*443Yext*17" "p.*477Yext*24")
"chr10" 8074014 "C" "CATGGGTT" '("p.*445Yext*64" "p.*444Yext*64") ; not actual example (+)
"chr10" 87965468 "TC" "T" '("p.*404Eext*11" "p.*577Eext*11" "p.*207Eext*11") ; not actual example (+)
;; NOTE: There are very few correct examples...

;; Extension without termination site
"chr17" 81537077 "CT" "C" '("p.*517Eext*?" "p.*493Eext*?") ; not actual example (+)
"chr17" 9771487 "GT" "G" '("p.*312Yext*?" "p.*313Yext*?") ; not actual example (-)

;; Extension includes termination site deletion
"chr13" 24421117 "ACTT" "A" '("p.*1725Fext*2") ; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421116 "GACTT" "G" '("p.*1725Sext*6") ; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421117 "ACT" "A" '("p.*1725Yext*35") ; not actual example (-)
"chr13" 24421116 "GACT" "G" '("p.*1725Yext*2") ; not actual example (-)

;; no effect
"chr7" 55181876 "A" "T" '("p.=") ; not actual example (+)
"chr7" 55181874 "TGAT" "T" '("p.=") ; not actual example (+)
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