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KVM & Libvirt Autotest Introduction and Quickstart

cevich edited this page Jan 25, 2012 · 4 revisions

KVM & Libvirt Autotest Introduction and Quickstart


KVM-autotest is a suite of tests for the autotest client, which directly exercise the lower-level qemu binaries. Libvirt-autotest, while very similar in many respects, relies on the higher-level virsh, and virt-install utilities. The majority of KVM-autotest documentation also applies to libvirt-autotest, though there are some differences.

Within a full-blown production testing grid, an autotest-server takes care of provisioning client systems and establishing operating environments. Many GNU/Linux distributions can be used as a server or client, however this guide and the default test-set assumes the autotest client is running on a Fedora system. It's highly recommended to begin with a fresh, defaults-based, install.

Quick Start

  • The following commands will ensure needed software is available:

    [root@localhost ~]# yum groupinstall -y "Development Libraries" "Development Tools" "Virtualization" "Virtualization Client" "Virtualization Tool

    [root@localhost ~]# yum install -y dnsmasq genisoimage python-imaging gdb boost-devel glibc-devel libvirt python-devel ntpdate gstreamer-plugins-good gstreamer-python

  • Next, download and install autotest. For example, use git to clone the latest version under /usr/local:

    [root@localhost ~]# git clone git:// /usr/local/autotest
    Initialized empty Git repository in /usr/local/autotest/.git/

  • The top-level directory contains all the server components, and a client subdirectory.

  • Within the client subdirectory, there are two helper scripts to assist with setting up and verifying your environment:

    1. kvm autotest:
    2. libvirt autotest:
  • You may run them as many times as necessary to setup or verify the client environment. For example::

    [root@localhost client]# tests/libvirt/
    16:16:49 INFO | libvirt test config helper
    16:16:49 INFO |
    16:16:49 INFO | 1 - Verifying directories (check if the directory structure expected by the default test config is there)
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Creating /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/images
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Creating /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/isos
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Creating /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/steps_data
    16:16:49 INFO |
    16:16:49 INFO | 2 - Creating config files from samples (copy the default config samples to actual config files)
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/tests.cfg exists, not touching
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/build.cfg exists, not touching
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/cdkeys.cfg exists, not touching
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/base.cfg exists, not touching
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/guest-hw.cfg exists, not touching
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Creating config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/subtests.cfg from sample
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/virtio-win.cfg exists, not touching
    16:16:49 DEBUG| Creating config file /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/guest-os.cfg from sample
    16:16:49 INFO |
    16:16:49 INFO | 3 - Verifying iso (make sure we have the OS ISO needed for the default test set)
    16:16:49 WARNI| File /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso not found
    16:16:49 WARNI| Expected SHA1 sum: 76dd59c37e9a0ec2af56263fa892ff571c92c89a
    16:16:49 INFO | Would you like to download it from (y/n) n
    16:16:53 WARNI| Missing file /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso
    16:16:53 WARNI| Please download it or put an exsiting copy on the appropriate location
    16:16:53 INFO |
    16:16:53 INFO | 4 - Verifying winutils.iso (make sure we have the utility ISO needed for Windows testing)
    16:16:53 INFO | In order to run the KVM autotests in Windows guests, we provide you an ISO that this script can download
    16:16:53 WARNI| File /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/isos/windows/winutils.iso not found
    16:16:53 WARNI| Expected SHA1 sum: 02930224756510e383c44c49bffb760e35d6f892
    16:16:53 INFO | Would you like to download it from (y/n) n
    16:16:55 WARNI| Missing file /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/isos/windows/winutils.iso
    16:16:55 WARNI| Please download it or put an exsiting copy on the appropriate location
    16:16:55 INFO |
    16:16:55 INFO | 5 - Checking if the appropriate userspace programs are installed
    16:16:55 DEBUG| /usr/bin/virt-install present
    16:16:55 INFO | If you wish to change any userspace program path, you will have to modify tests.cfg
    16:16:55 INFO |
    16:16:55 INFO | When you are done fixing eventual warnings found, you can run the test using this command line AS ROOT:
    16:16:55 INFO | /usr/local/autotest/client/bin/autotest /usr/local/autotest/client/tests/libvirt/control
    16:16:55 INFO | Autotest prints the results dir, so you can look at DEBUG logs if something went wrong
    16:16:55 INFO | You can also edit the test config files
    • Note:
      • For KVM autotest, the base root directory would be /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/
      • Only non-existent configuration files were copied over from their .sample.cfg source. i.e. none of my customizations were overwritten.
      • I answered "no" to the image downloads
        • I already have my images on an NFS export, I'll symlink them into /tmp/libvirt_autotest_root/isos/linux/ afterward.
        • I'm not going to do any windows testing, so I did not download winutils.iso
  • Once the script(s) run without any warnings or errors, the default test may be executed.

    kvm autotest:
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/autotest/client
    [root@localhost client]# bin/autotest run kvm
    libvirt autotest:
    [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/autotest/client
    [root@localhost client]# bin/autotest run libvirt

Troubleshooting / Hints

  • Both KVM and libvirt default test includes a guest installation test, a reboot test, and a shutdown test.

  • Test status is written into the file `` client/results/default/status``.

  • A debug log is written to the file client/results/default/debug/client.DEBUG

  • There are configuration files, but for simple testing it's often easier to adjust the environment.

    • If you bungle one up, just remove it and re-run the corresponding
    • The most valuable configuration files are:
      • client/tests/{libvirt,kvm}/base.cfg defines many default parameters
      • client/tests/{libvirt,kvm}/tests.cfg specifies tests to execute and defaults to override.
  • Testing and/or cleanup will continue even after failures occur.

  • If something goes wrong, it's good to find and fix the earliest problem identified in the logs first.

    • Ran both kvm and libvirt, but forgot to symlink my guest OS iso image to /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso

      [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/autotest/client
      [root@localhost client]# bin/autotest run kvm
      18:23:27 INFO | Writing results to /usr/local/autotest/client/results/default
      18:23:27 INFO | START     ----    ----    timestamp=1327533807    localtime=Jan 25 18:23:27
      18:23:27 INFO | Test    1:  smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom
      18:23:27 INFO | Test    2:  smp2.Fedora.16.64.boot
      18:23:27 INFO | Test    3:  smp2.Fedora.16.64.shutdown
      18:23:27 ERROR| Command kvm_stat not present
      18:23:27 INFO |   START   kvm.smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom  kvm.smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom  timestamp=1327533807    localtime=Jan 25 18:23:27
      18:23:27 WARNI| Could not import json module. QMP monitor functionality disabled.
      18:23:28 ERROR| Asked for kvm_stat profiler, but kvm_stat not present
      18:23:28 INFO | Starting unattended install setup
      18:23:28 ERROR| Test failed: CmdError: Command <mount -t iso9660 -v -o loop,ro /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso /usr/local/autotest/client/tmp/tmpAQtlG0_kvm.smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom/cdrom_cd1_BqYlqr> failed, rc=32, Command returned non-zero exit status    [context: (run_unattended_install) --> Copying vmlinuz and initrd.img from install cdrom /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso]
      * Command:
          mount -t iso9660 -v -o loop,ro
          /tmp/kvm_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso /usr/local/auto
      Exit status: 32
      Duration: 0.0095329284668
    • Ran out of disk space on /tmp where default guest image is sparse allocated at 10GB

      [root@localhost ~]# cd /usr/local/autotest/client
      [root@localhost client]# bin/autotest run kvm
      18:39:30 INFO | Writing results to /usr/local/autotest/client/results/default
      18:39:30 INFO | START     ----    ----    timestamp=1327534770    localtime=Jan 25 18:39:30
      18:39:30 INFO | Test    1:  smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom
      18:39:30 INFO | Test    2:  smp2.Fedora.16.64.boot
      18:39:30 INFO | Test    3:  smp2.Fedora.16.64.shutdown
      18:39:30 ERROR| Command kvm_stat not present
      18:39:30 INFO |   START   kvm.smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom  kvm.smp2.Fedora.16.64.unattended_install.cdrom  timestamp=1327534770    localtime=Jan 25 18:39:30
      18:39:30 ERROR| ** Message: pygobject_register_sinkfunc is deprecated (GstObject)
      18:39:30 ERROR| Asked for kvm_stat profiler, but kvm_stat not present
      18:39:31 INFO | Starting unattended install setup
      18:39:33 INFO | Running qemu command:
      /usr/bin/qemu-kvm -name 'vm1' -nodefaults -vga std -monitor unix:'/tmp/monitor-humanmonitor1-20120125-183931-Cmpn',server,nowait -serial unix:'/tmp/serial-20120125-183931-Cmpn',server,nowait -device ich9-usb-uhci1,id=usb1 -drive file='/tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/f16-64.qcow2',index=0,if=ide,cache=none -device rtl8139,netdev=id2nkzGl,mac='9a:b5:bb:48:79:88',id='idchBTQ8' -netdev tap,id=id2nkzGl,fd=21 -m 1024 -smp 2 -drive file='/tmp/kvm_autotest_root/isos/linux/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso',media=cdrom,index=2 -drive file='/tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/f16-64/ks.iso',media=cdrom,index=1 -device usb-tablet,id=usb-tablet1,bus=usb1.0 -kernel '/tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/f16-64/vmlinuz' -initrd '/tmp/kvm_autotest_root/images/f16-64/initrd.img' -vnc :0 --append 'ks=cdrom nicdelay=60 console=ttyS0,115200 console=tty0'  -boot d
      18:39:34 INFO | Waiting for installation to finish. Timeout set to 3000 s (50 min)
      19:29:37 ERROR| Test failed: TestFail: Timeout elapsed while waiting for install to finish    [context: waiting for installation to finish]
  • If a python traceback appears, it can be an indication that a needed package isn't installed.

  • When that's not the traceback cause, most likely something in the environment doesn't match the configuration.

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