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Lucas Meneghel Rodrigues edited this page Sep 22, 2011 · 3 revisions

TKO Web Interface Requirements

The TKO web interface is a system to generate customizable reports summarizing test results across many jobs. Whereas AFE focuses on displaying execution status of indivudual jobs, TKO focuses on displaying pass/fail results for individual tests. It has options for filtering out various subsets of test results, grouping test results along various dimensions, and displaying the results in different ways.


Basic functionality

The TKO web interface present a spreadsheet-like view of test results to the user. It groups test results by two fields, chosen by the user. The row and column headers display the values of those two fields, and each cell shows a count of tests matching those values. Cells display counts of successful tests out of total tests run.

There are three inputs:

  • Column: which field to group by and display on column headers
  • Row: which field to group by and display and row headers
  • Condition: a conditional expression similar to a SQL WHERE clause which acts as a global filter on test results to include in the spreadsheet. The language used for this condition field is documented here.

Drilling down

The user can drill down into specific results by clicking on cells. Clicking on a cell containing multiple tests brings up a new spreadsheet. The condition field is modified to include only the row and column values for the selected cell. The row and column grouping fields are changed according to a fixed mapping defining which field goes to which upon drilldown. Clicking on a row or column header cell also drills down - the condition is modified to include the selected value, and the axis that is clicked is changed according to the mapping.

Clicking on a cell with a single test results brings the user to the raw test logs.

Cell contents

Cells always display counts of successful tests out of total tests run. Cells are also colored according to the percentage of successful tests. In addition, if one of the grouping fields is STATUS, a list of unique failure reasons is displayed for the failed tests within the cell. This data comes from the "reason" field in the DB.

To aid with viewing large tables in which the row or column headers may not always be visible, tooltips are displayed when the user mouses over a cell. The tooltip shows the row and column field values for the cell and counts for each test status.


The new TKO UI will be a dynamic web application broadly resembling AFE. Like AFE, the interface will be divided into tabs.


  • There will be four main tabs: spreadsheet view, table view, plotting view, and test details.
  • To the right of these tabs will be a refresh button, followed by a "Saved queries" drop-down box. This box will allow the user to save a particular view, including which tab is being viewed, the filtering conditions, and any parameters configuring the display. The box will display a list of saved queries for the user as well as an option to save a new query. Queries will have history support (see below), so they can be shared via URLs (i.e. something like http://myautotestserver/tko/#saved_query_1234).
  • To the right of the saved queries will be a "Download CSV" link.
  • The interface will have full history support. This will including changing the browser title when changing certain view parameters. This provides two benefits:
    • users can share reports by copy-pasting URLs.
    • browser history will serve as a useful way to navigate among recent queries.

Filtering conditions

  • All TKO activities involving filtering down to some subset of all recorded test data. All views will share a common interface for specifying these conditions. There will be two ways to specify these conditions: via filtering widgets for each field, or via a single custom SQL text area. The custom SQL text area is the analogue of the condition text box in the old TKO interface.
  • The UI will default to filtering widgets, with a button to go to custom SQL mode. When switching to custom SQL, the current widget selections will be converted to SQL. The widgets will be replaced with a single text area, in which the user can then edit the SQL condition. She may also click the button to start with and write a SQL condition from scratch. Edited SQL can not be converted back to widgets -- changes will have to be reverted. This is analogous to the "Edit control file" button in AFE.
  • Filtering widgets mode will initially display a drop-down box of fields on which to filter. This list includes hostname, host keyval, host labels, job name, job tag, failure reason, test keyval, test labels, test name, test status, time queued, time started, time completed, user.
  • Selecting a field from the drop-down will display a selection widget for that field. The widget varies with the field. For most fields, there will be a pair of list boxes displaying the available and selected values for the field. For some fields, there will be an alternative option to enter a regex to match. Some fields may be completely different (i.e. time fields will allow the user to define ranges via start and end times, with calendar- and clock-like helper widgets available).
  • To the right of each filter widget will be "+" and "-" buttons, allowing the user to add another filter and delete the given filter, respectively.

Spreadsheet view

  • This view is the future version of what the existing TKO interface does. It allows the user to group by two fields, one for row headers and one for column headers. It then displays counts of passed test runs and all test runs within each grouping.
  • Incomplete (queued and running) tests are included in the spreadsheet, unless filtered out.
  • At the top, below the filtering area, will be a drop-down box to select the row and column grouping fields. This is just like the old TKO interface. Below each box will be a "Customize rows/columns..."' link, which will expand to allowing the user to do two things:
    • select multiple fields for row or column headers to create composite headers (and customize the field ordering)
    • customize ordering of row and column values.
  • Just above the spreadsheet will be a drop-down box with table-wide actions. It will resemble the right-click context menus (see below).
  • The displayed spreadsheet will look similar to how it does today, but will have floating row and column headers, much like Excel or Google Spreadsheets.
  • Left-clicking on a cell will perform a default drilldown operation as it does in the old interface.
  • Right-clicking on a cell will bring up a context menu.
    • Cells with multiple test runs will have a number of drill down options first, showing different combinations of row-column fields to drilldown to.
    • Cells with a single test run will have a single option at the top to view test details (this is the default drilldown option). This will bring the user to the test details tab.
    • All cells will have an option to switch to table view, to triage failures (see below), and to apply or remove a label. Apply/remove label will bring up a small dialog allowing the user to select which label to use.
    • Row and column headers will act like cells with multiple test runs.
  • Ctrl-left-clicking on a cell will select (or deselect) the cell. Multiple cells can be selected and then right-clicking can be used to act on all selected cells.

Table view

  • This view will display individual test runs as rows within a table. The columns and sorting can be customized. It also has the capability to group and show counts.
  • Below the filtering area at the top will be a selection widget allowing the user to select and order the columns displayed.
  • Below the column selection will be a check box to "Group by these columns and show counts". When this is selected, results will be grouped by all selected columns and each row will show the count of test runs within that group.
  • Clicking on a column header will sort the table on that column.
  • Left-clicking on a row will bring the user to the test details tab. Right-clicking on a row will bring up a menu allowing the user to go to test details or to apply/remove labels.
  • Left-clicking on a grouped row will drilldown to an ungrouped table view. Right-clicking will bring up a menu allowing drilldown or apply/remove labels.
  • Job triage view is a particular table view. It is a grouped table view, with columns for job tag, test name, and failure reason. It is sorted by these columns in this order, and finally by counts descending. This view is particularly useful for triaging failures among many test runs and is therefore accessible via shortcuts from spreadsheet view.

Plotting view

  • Detailed requirements for the plotting view have yet to be determined.

Test details

  • This view will display detailed information for a single test run. All of the fields for a test will be displayed, including all hosts on which a test ran and their attributes and all test and iteration keyvals. Key log files will also be readily accessible in expandable boxes, including status.log, autoserv.stdout, autoserv.stderr, and client.log.*.

New UI user requirements

Use cases

  • Job tracking - viewing a spreadsheet of tests vs machines for a given job, with cells showing status of each test on each machine (queued, running, passed, failed, etc.). Tests can be sorted in the order in which they ran. Results logs are easily accessible. This is mostly available in the old interface. The addition of queued/running tests will be the biggest addition. Sorting tests in running order is not as simple as it seems (control files aren't guaranteed to be deterministic, for example). We have ideas about how to solve that but we've deferred it for now.
  • Job triage - viewing a summary of failure reasons for a job. The view should display a list of unique failure reasons for each test (including job failures) with information on the frequency of each failure reason. It should be easy to view the list of machines that failed for each reason with links to detailed log files. See "job triage" feature.
  • Kernel test status - viewing a spreadsheet of kernel versions vs tests for a set of "official kernel test" jobs, with cells showing success rates. User can select which kernel versions to include. It should be easy to:
    • group headers for kernel versions, so that the user can compare multiple release candidates within multiple kernel versions
    • drill down to see machine architecture vs tests for a particular kernel version, to assist in triaging architecture-specific failures
    • drill down to see failure reasons for failures of a particular test on a particular kernel. As with job triage, this should make it easy to drill down to machine lists for each failure reason. Test labels solve the "official kernel tests" problem. Filter widgets will ease selection of included kernels. Grouping headers by kernel version will***not***be supported for now (this is not to be confused with composite headers, which combines two different fields). Different drill downs are supported via context menus.
  • Test series - user has a pool of machines and runs a test on all machines. Machines that fail are triaged and the tests is rerun on them, and so on until all machines pass. User should be able to view status of last run test within the series for each machine. Triage of failed machines should be easy, as in Job triage. Additionally, user can see state of non-passed machines - failed awaiting triage, triaged awaiting re-test, re-test queued/running, etc. Test labels should support this workflow. It will still require a fair bit of work on the part of the user, but we felt this was a necessary tradeoff in order to avoid putting too much specialized complexity in the frontend. Multiple selection should allow fairly powerful label usage, which, in combination with saved queries and filter widgets, should ease the pain greatly.
  • Machine utilization - viewing a chronological history of all tests (and verifies/repairs?) run on a particular machine. Test/verify/repair outcome information is displayed, making it easy to track down when a certain test started failing or when machine verification first failed. Detailed logs are easily accessible. Table view should provide this basic feature. The main lacking aspect is inclusion of verify and repair info. This is certainly doable but requires further discussion.
  • Performance graphs - plotting performance data vs. kernel version for many iterations of a particular test on a particular machine. This, along with the other plotting use cases below, are not being addressed now.
  • Machine qualification graphs - plotting a histogram of percentage of tests passed on each machine, with bars clickable to view list of machines in each bucket.
  • Utilization graphs - plotting machine utilization as a percentage of time vs. machine, over a given span of time.
  • Generic keyval graphs - user selects a set of kernels, a set of machines, and a set of tests. In a single graph, all keyvals are plotted together (normalized) vs. kernel version. The ordering of kernels is completely user-definable. Data points link back to results logs.
  • Kernel benchmark comparisons - plotting a set of benchmark values for a pair of kernels together, to compare the two versions.
  • Job set comparisons - plotting a set of benchmark values for two sets of jobs together.

Specific feature requests

  • Clicking on a kernel brings up a tests vs. status spreadsheet filtered for that particular kernel (possible with drilldown options) This is a easy shortcut for bringing up a particular report.
  • Reason values displayed in table or one click away (job triage view) When triaging a job or jobs with many failures, there needs to be a easy way to view a summary of the reasons for failures (from the DB "reason" field). Similar reasons should be grouped together and it should be easy to see which hosts failed with which reasons.
  • Include tests that are queued or running in TKO display (included) Right now TKO only shows tests that have completed. It should also display queued and running tests so the user can get a full picture of a job from a single report.
  • Preserve and display query history (included as browser history) The UI should present a list of the last few (or many) spreadsheet queries executed, including drilldown history. The user should be able to click to go back to a previous query.
  • Filtering on a list of kernels/jobs to match (filter widgets) The user should be able to easily specify a list of kernels and filter down to tests run on any of those kernels. Likewise for filtering to a list of jobs.
  • Kernels must sort in chronological order (not addressed; this is a very particular request which we may address with specialized code) Most fields simply sort alphanumerically, but kernels must sort specially so that they come out in chronological order.
  • Clicking on a kernel brings up a list of failed machines (context menus) This is another easy shortcut for bringing up a particular report.
  • Ability to have more than one grouping field for rows or columns (aka "composite headers" or "multiple headers") (included) For example, the user might specify two fields for row grouping and the resulting spreadsheet would have a row for each combination of values from the two fields.
  • Grouping on custom expressions (not included; potential future addition) Instead of simply specifying a field to group on, the user could specify a custom SQL-like expression.
  • More powerful filtering by machine labels (should be possible with appropriate usage of machine labels) The user should be able to filter on machine types both very specifically (i.e. Intel Pentium D 1GB RAM) and very generally (i.e. all Intel).
  • Easy way to keep track of where the user is in a large table (when row and column headers are no longer visible) (floating headers) When browsing a large table, after scrolling to the right and down, the row and column headers are no longer visible and the user may have no way to know what values a particular cell corresponds to.
  • Machine-centric view showing utilization of a particular machine over time (see use case; graphical timeline not included) This view would show a list of things that have been run on the machine in chronological order, so the user could get some idea of how the machine's been utilized. The ability to view percentage of time in use would be good. A graphical timeline sort of view would also be good.
  • CSV data export (included) The user should always be able to download the currently displayed data in CSV format.
  • Invalidation of jobs (solved with machine labels) The user should be able to mark jobs (perhaps even individual tests) as invalid and have them excluded from TKO reporting.
  • Powerful and flexible filtering (included) Selections can be specified by choosing from a list, by regexp matching or by entering raw SQL expressions
  • Automatic bug filing (not included) When triaging failures, the user can click a button to create a new bug in a bugtracking system and have job and failure information automatically bundled up and attached to the bug.
  • Filtering on keyvals (included) Users should be able to filter on any keyval when filtering results

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